Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nation observes May Day

On 1 May 1886, 10 workers were killed when police opened fire on a demonstration in the US city of Chicago near Hay Market demanding an eight-hour working day. File photo
In solidarity as soon as all the workers of the world, Bangladesh is as well as ready to observe the historic May Day as regards Thursday as regards 1 May knocked out the theme: "Safe operational-feel, Bangladesh to Advance".

The historic May Day will be observed in the country as elsewhere across the world considering a spacious vow to assert the rights of workers. The May Day, pseudonym International Workers Solidarity Day, commemorates the historic uprising of vibrant people in Chicago, USA, at the intensity of a prolonged scuffle for an eight-hour workday.

The last year's Savar collision in the works will surely grow lighthearted vigour to worker's voice in this year's May Day even though every faction of the action marked this manmade tragic incident as a wake going on terror for ensuring workers' safety.

The hours of daylight is a public holiday.  Trade unions and professional groups have taken taking place various programmes to observe the day to press for improving the nimble conditions as soon as greater than before wages for the workers and job security.

On the occasion, the Labour and Employment Ministry will arrange a aeration at Osmani Smriti Auditorium here at 10:00am regarding speaking Thursday.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will be expertise as the chief guest at the exposure to feel to be held considering State Minister for Labour and Employment Mujibul Haque Chunnu in the chair.

At the play a portion, the Prime Minister will pay for a approving answer bank cheques from seven companies as donation for Bangladesh Sramik Kalyan Foundation.

Prior to the discussion, the ministry will put the accent on a rally at 7:00am from Shram Bhaban, which will halt forward of the Jatiya Press Club after parading Dainik Bangla intersection.

The added May Day programmes are publishing supplements in national dailies and souvenirs, and decorating the citys thoroughfares once banners and festoons inscribing as soon as May Day slogans.

Besides, two seminars will be held upon 4 May at the national press club, also marking the May Day. State minister Mujibul Haque Chunnu will be the chief guest at the two seminars to be held at 10:00am and 4:00pm respectively.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will habitat a rally in Gazipur tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon upon the occasion of the innocent May Day.

Jatiya Sramik League will organise the rally at Bhawal Badre Alam Government College sports ground.

President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued sever messages ahead of the daylight.

In her statement, the Prime Minister said the activity of May Day will inspire the owners and workers and they will acquit yourself more sincerely to boost production in factories through maintaining innocent relationship.

The President, in a cut off publication, expressed his goal that the moving picture of May Day will put happening to establish workers-owners fine intimates and pleasant and safe functioning atmosphere for the workers.

On 1 May 1886, 10 workers were killed surrounded by police opened blaze upon a nervousness in the US city of Chicago near Hay Market demanding an eight-hour operational daylight on the other hand of a 12-hour shift. On the summit of unease, the authorities had to publication you will the workers demand and the eight-hour day has been introduced universally.

On14 July 1889 in Paris, an international workers rally stated

May 1 as the International Workers Solidarity Day in reaction of the Chicago workers sacrifice and accomplish and assist on 1890, the daylight has been observed globally as the International Workers Solidarity Day.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Central African Republic: Violence leaves '30 dead'

Muslim Seleka, such as these rebels, are under attack from Christian anti-Balaka - or "anti-machete" - militia
Muslim Seleka, such as these rebels, are under attack from Christian anti-Balaka - or "anti-machete" - militia
At least 30 people have been killed and other 10 injured in exploit along also challenger sectarian militias in the Central African Republic (CAR), police publicize.

Officials control by most of those who died in the central town of Dekoa were civilians hit by stray bullets.

The predominantly Christian the length of-Balaka militia attacked positions held by mainly Muslim Seleka rebels, they declare.

CAR exploded into swearing in to the fore December in the middle of mounting resentment toward a Muslim-led paperwork.

Muslim rebels seized disquiet old-fashioned in in March 2013 by overthrowing President Francois Bozize - who had been in execution for a decade.

The revolutionary leader who replaced him, President Michel Djotodia, was accused of failing to prevent his forces from raping, torturing and killing civilians - particularly accompanied by the country's Christian majority.

When Mr Djotodia's dealing out fell in January, Christian militia fighters began attacking Muslim civilians in retaliation.

Thousands have been killed past the disagreement began and tens of thousands more have fled the country. The UN says that roughly 1.3 million people - a quarter of the population - are in compulsion of aid.

Fighting escalates

The UN Security Council is due to vote as regards Thursday in footnote to expanding the as regards 5,000-hermetic African mission in CAR into a UN peacekeeping operation.

Mainly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power a year ago, perpetrating abuses on the majority Christian population that triggered waves of revenge attacks
Mainly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power a year ago, perpetrating abuses on the majority Christian population that triggered waves of revenge attacks
Boys from the Muslim community play football in front of trucks filled with cargo waiting to leave the PK 5 district of Bangui, CAR (April 2014)  Muslims in Bangui are feeling increasingly nervous - tens of thousands have already fled the countryMuslims in Bangui are feeling increasingly nervous - tens of thousands have already fled the country

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has warned of "ethno-religious cleansing" in CAR, when lynchings, decapitations and sexual use foul language all going unpunished.

Some 6,000 African and 2,000 French peacekeepers are currently struggling to save the use in poor health-treatment in check.

Correspondents pronounce that they turn a hugely hard task as Seleka rebels, who have been pushed north from the capital, Bangui, attempt to regroup.

French military police have, however, begun patrolling the streets of Bangui as the first part of a subsidiary European Union exploit force which is traditional to number 800 troops by the fade away of May.

In the latest verbal abuse, police said that the adjacent to-Balaka militia attacked Seleka positions to the front concerning Tuesday day in Dekoa, not quite 300km (180 miles) north of Bangui.

They said that the battle escalated following than the Seleka called in reinforcements and went upon for anew four hours.

"Most of the victims were civilians who were hit by stray missiles," a police source told the AFP news agency.

Meanwhile the US ambassador to the UN upon Wednesday urged more retain for African and French troops in CAR ahead the UN peacekeeping vote.

Ambassador Samantha Power - currently in CAR - said that the African peacekeeping mission was in force hard to seize the gap left by the departure of approximately 850 troops from neighbouring Chad and were innate deployed into the areas they to come guarded.