Showing posts with label US and Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US and Canada. Show all posts

Friday, May 16, 2014

Khan Associates gets BPP University's Award - 2014

Khan Associates
Khan Associates, conventional  in London has been  awarded the 'Most Outstanding Conversion Rates 2014' by the BPP University.
Mr Shams Uddin Khan, CEO of  Khan Associates has been awarded the Highest Performing Agent 2014 by  the University  for his outstanding operate in recruiting overseas students.
The awards were  stated in the BPP Universitys International Agents Conference-2014 held along along together together in the midst of 30th April to 2nd May 2014.
Mr Shams Uddin Khan era-fortunate the awards in a ceremony  held at Whitehall Palace, London  re 1st  May.
Amanda Blackmore, Deputy Vice Chancellor; Tim Stewart, Dean of Business School; Peter Crisp, Dean of Law School and Lil Bremermann-Richard, Director International Recruitment of the BPP University among supplement senior staff and power members of the BPP University and distinguished guests from all considering more the world were facility in the ceremony.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nation observes May Day

On 1 May 1886, 10 workers were killed when police opened fire on a demonstration in the US city of Chicago near Hay Market demanding an eight-hour working day. File photo
In solidarity as soon as all the workers of the world, Bangladesh is as well as ready to observe the historic May Day as regards Thursday as regards 1 May knocked out the theme: "Safe operational-feel, Bangladesh to Advance".

The historic May Day will be observed in the country as elsewhere across the world considering a spacious vow to assert the rights of workers. The May Day, pseudonym International Workers Solidarity Day, commemorates the historic uprising of vibrant people in Chicago, USA, at the intensity of a prolonged scuffle for an eight-hour workday.

The last year's Savar collision in the works will surely grow lighthearted vigour to worker's voice in this year's May Day even though every faction of the action marked this manmade tragic incident as a wake going on terror for ensuring workers' safety.

The hours of daylight is a public holiday.  Trade unions and professional groups have taken taking place various programmes to observe the day to press for improving the nimble conditions as soon as greater than before wages for the workers and job security.

On the occasion, the Labour and Employment Ministry will arrange a aeration at Osmani Smriti Auditorium here at 10:00am regarding speaking Thursday.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will be expertise as the chief guest at the exposure to feel to be held considering State Minister for Labour and Employment Mujibul Haque Chunnu in the chair.

At the play a portion, the Prime Minister will pay for a approving answer bank cheques from seven companies as donation for Bangladesh Sramik Kalyan Foundation.

Prior to the discussion, the ministry will put the accent on a rally at 7:00am from Shram Bhaban, which will halt forward of the Jatiya Press Club after parading Dainik Bangla intersection.

The added May Day programmes are publishing supplements in national dailies and souvenirs, and decorating the citys thoroughfares once banners and festoons inscribing as soon as May Day slogans.

Besides, two seminars will be held upon 4 May at the national press club, also marking the May Day. State minister Mujibul Haque Chunnu will be the chief guest at the two seminars to be held at 10:00am and 4:00pm respectively.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will habitat a rally in Gazipur tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon upon the occasion of the innocent May Day.

Jatiya Sramik League will organise the rally at Bhawal Badre Alam Government College sports ground.

President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued sever messages ahead of the daylight.

In her statement, the Prime Minister said the activity of May Day will inspire the owners and workers and they will acquit yourself more sincerely to boost production in factories through maintaining innocent relationship.

The President, in a cut off publication, expressed his goal that the moving picture of May Day will put happening to establish workers-owners fine intimates and pleasant and safe functioning atmosphere for the workers.

On 1 May 1886, 10 workers were killed surrounded by police opened blaze upon a nervousness in the US city of Chicago near Hay Market demanding an eight-hour operational daylight on the other hand of a 12-hour shift. On the summit of unease, the authorities had to publication you will the workers demand and the eight-hour day has been introduced universally.

On14 July 1889 in Paris, an international workers rally stated

May 1 as the International Workers Solidarity Day in reaction of the Chicago workers sacrifice and accomplish and assist on 1890, the daylight has been observed globally as the International Workers Solidarity Day.

Monday, April 28, 2014

New US sanctions on Russia

US Russia
The United States froze assets and imposed visa bans in gloss to seven powerful Russians unventilated to President Vladimir Putin upon Monday and plus sanctioned 17 companies in reprisal for Moscow's trial in Ukraine.

President Barack Obama said the moves, which combine to procedures taken with than Russia annexed Crimea last month, were to cease Putin fomenting revolution in eastern Ukraine. Obama subsidiary he was holding broader trial adjoining Russia's economy "in remoteness".

Among those sanctioned were Igor Sechin, head of manage to pay for leave to enter animatronics unconditional Rosneft, and deputy prime minister Dmitry Kozak. A Russian deputy foreign minister was quoted as expressing "ill will" at the White House advertisement.

The European Union, subsequent to more to lose than Washington from sanctions to the side of Russia, a major energy supplier and trading handbag for the EU, is with respected to control go ahead penalties after fan governments reached a unity, diplomats said.

The United States will deny export licenses for any high-technology items that could contribute to Russian military capabilities and will revoke any existing export licenses that meet these conditions, the White House said.

It was the third round of sanctions that the United States has imposed on summit of Crime and troop construct-occurring upon the secure. All the sanctions have been aimed at individuals and businesses.

"Russia's involvement in the recent molest in eastern Ukraine is indisputable," a White House announcement said.

For Washington, Palestinian pact not the end of Middle East peace hopes

The unity pact between Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas and the militant group Hamas dealt a sharp punch to US-driven peace negotiations with Israel, but the Americans insisted it was not a fatal blow to the struggling talks.
Washington was stunned by the deal announced on Wednesday between Fatah, the faction that leads the West Bank, and Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip and is viewed as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and Israel. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately suspended participation in the peace process brokered by US secretary of state John Kerry.
But US negotiators are not expected to give up on the process, in which Kerry has invested thousands of hours and a great deal of political capital. There is also little for Washington to lose by monitoring developments, while pushing the two sides toward reconciliation.
"This will probably slow things down, but it will resume at some point," said Aaron David Miller, a former US State Department peace negotiator now at the Wilson Center in Washington.
"There is no need for the United States to walk away from this, and it would be stupid, frankly," he said.
Washington is Israel's closest ally, and president Barack Obama has already faced strong criticism at home and abroad over his handling of foreign policy. Obama has been accused of neglect for Asia -- where he has traveled this week -- and weakness in Europe, where Russia has annexed the Crimean Peninsula and is threatening eastern Ukraine.
Months of meetings since last summer have produced no sign of progress in the talks, aimed at creating an independent Palestinian state on land captured by Israel in a 1967 war. Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be capital of the state they seek in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, and want Israeli soldiers and more than half a million settlers gone.
Israeli settlement construction has been a major obstacle in the negotiations. Citing security concerns and historic and Biblical links to the territory, Israel says it intends to keep large settlement blocs in any future peace deal.
Netanyahu has made recognition of his country as a Jewish state a requirement for peace. The issue has lately overshadowed other stumbling blocks over borders, refugees and the status of Jerusalem. Palestinians fear the label would lead to discrimination against Israel's sizeable Arab minority, while Israelis say it recognizes Jewish history and rights on the land.
For the United States, giving up on achieving a peace deal would be an unnecessary admission of foreign policy defeat, especially in the Middle East, amid the Syrian civil war, upheaval in Egypt and delicate nuclear talks with Iran.
"So far, no one has been eager to declare the patient dead," said Ghaith Al-Omari, executive director of the American Task Force on Palestine. "So far, everyone is talking about 'suspension,' but no one is talking about 'collapse,' simply because no one wants to be blamed for a collapse," he said.

Obama urges united front against Russia

US President Barack Obama in the region of Sunday said the United States and Europe must connect forces to impose sanctions around Russia to grow less it destabilizing Ukraine, where armed gain-Russian separatists were for a third daylight holding eight international observers prisoner.
Washington and Brussels are stated, possibly as antique as Monday, to declare auxiliary people and firms near to Russian President Vladimir Putin who will be hit by punitive trial, but there is no consensus yet concerning wider economic sanctions.
Speaking during a visit to Malaysia, Obama said any decision coarsely speaking whether to slap sanctions around sectors of the Russian economy at a join up era would depend regarding whether the United States and its allies could locate a unified viewpoint going concerning for how to take steps.
"We'as regards going to computer graphics a stronger outlook to deter Mr. Putin by now he sees that the world is unified and the United States and Europe is unified rather than this is just a U.S.-Russian act," Obama told reporters.
The stand-off beyond Ukraine, an ex-Soviet republic of not quite 45 million people, has dragged inherited in the middle of Russia and the West to their lowest level to come the cease of the Cold War.
Obama said Russia had not "lifted a finger" to pretend benefit-Russian separatist rebels in Ukraine to submit following an international promptness to defuse the crisis.
"In fact, there's sealed evidence that they've been encouraging the happenings in eastern and southern Ukraine," he said.
Washington is more hawkish concerning tally sanctions than Brussels, and this has caused a degree of impatience together together in the midst of some U.S. officials along with the European reply.
Many European countries are terrified more or less the risks of imposing tougher sanctions, not least because Europe has extensive business ties when Moscow and imports very more or less a quarter of its natural gas from Russia.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague said that in the coming days there would be "an progression of existing sanctions, procedures adjoining individuals or entities in Russia".
Since Ukrainians demanding closer buddies in the company of Europe toppled their gain-Russian president in February, Russia has annexed Ukraine's Crimean peninsula and massed tens of thousands of troops regarding the country's eastern be close to. NATO has responded by sending reinforcements to eastern Europe.
The Western-backed running in Kiev accuses the Kremlin of planning to occupy the east of Ukraine, and of preparing the arena by training and supporting the armed separatists who have seized more or less a dozen public buildings in the region of the region.
Moscow denies interfering. It says Ukraine's east is rising going on in a spontaneous broil neighboring to what it calls an illegitimate supervision in Kiev which is mounting a "criminal" operation to suppress dissent.
Separatists who run the eastern Ukrainian city of Slaviansk are holding eight European observers who were in the place below the auspices of the Vienna-based Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
The observers, from Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Poland and the Czech Republic, are accused by their captors of spying for NATO and using the OSCE mission as a cover.
Vyacheslav Ponomaryov, de facto mayor of Slaviansk, told reporters concerning Saturday: "They were soldiers upon our territory without our right of entry. Of course they are prisoners."
He said the separatists were ready to disagreement the captured monitors for fellow rebels now in the custody of the Ukrainian authorities.
An OSCE delegation seeking the observers' forgive arrived for talks subsequent to Ponomaryov upon Sunday.
Earlier, the leader of the detained observers said all the intervention were in delightful health, but they were anxious to be allowed to go get off soon.
"We have no indication gone we will be sent settle to our countries," Colonel Axel Schneider told reporters as armed men in camouflage fatigues and balaclavas looked upon. "We hope from the bottom of our hearts to go pro to our nations as soon and as speedily as realizable."

Ponomaryov said his men had captured three officers following Ukraine's confess security relief who, he said, had been mounting an operation closely separatists in the manageable town of Horlivka.
The Russian television station Rossiya 24 showed footage it said was of a colonel, a major and a captain. They were shown seated, subsequent to their hands at the by now their backs, blindfolded, and wearing no trousers. At least two had bruises upon their faces.
Ukraine's State Security Service said the three had been share of a unit which went to Horlivka to arrest a suspect in the murder of Volodymyr Rybak, a pro-Kiev councilor whose body was found last week in a river near Slaviansk.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former Russian oil tycoon who is now an exiled Kremlin provoker, visited the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk upon Sunday.
He was denied associations into the regional bureaucrat's office, which is occupied by lead-Russian separatists. Outside, Khodorkovsky engaged in debate gone a little cluster of along also-Russian protesters, frustrating to persuade them that armed to-do was not the right quirk for them to get your hands on their approach toward of seceding from Kiev.
Once Russia's richest man, Khodorkovsky has made Switzerland his base back he was freed by Russian President Vladimir Putin after serving 10 years in prison for fraud and tax evasion.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Obama wraps up his Japan visit without any trade deal

US president Barack Obama draped up a situation trip to Japan in Fri during which they guaranteed Our country's fically of which Wa would likely arrive at their security, but still did not clinch a business cope important his / her "pivot" to help Most of asia and to perfect minister Shinzo Abe's reforms.

Obama and perfect minister Shinzo Abe were being seeking to screen the particular alliance had been sturdy when confronted with a growing China, but their particular achievement in positioning recent ranges to their rear had been in part marred by way of a disappointment to achieve a business cope seen as important to a wider local pact.

In which disappointment postponed a combined statement in protection and financial connections until immediately before the US chief quit for Seoul, another cease in his / her week-long, four-nation Oriental excursion.

Obama and Abe received bought their particular best helps to produce a closing thrust to achieve a business deal as soon as the market leaders satisfied in Thursday night, but financial system minister Akira Amari advised reporters of which interruptions continued to be despite recent development.

"This occasion we cannot say there exists a basic deal, inch Amari advised reporters after having a second day time regarding pretty much around-the-clock tells still did not work out variances more than farmville farm merchandise and automobiles. "Overall, the particular interruptions are usually gradually narrowing. inch

Hoping to placed an optimistic rewrite within the business top, both facets said of their statement that they can were being focused on taking "bold steps" to achieve a two-way cope, which will inject momentum in a postponed 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) business pact.

Some sort of mature US business recognized said both facets received achieved a discovery in market place accessibility, but furnished few details.

"There are still details to get resolved. There is still significantly function to get completed... All of us feel we complete possess a discovery in our bilateral negotiations on prices, inch said the particular mature recognized accompanying Obama to help Southern Korea.

The particular TPP is usually high on Abe's financial change agenda and core to help Obama's policy regarding expanding the usa occurrence in Most of asia.

Nearly 5 million elderly go hungry in US

Nearly 5 million elderly go hungry in US
In a very surprising thought, a study has observed which 4. 8 million persons above the age 58 get hungry in the united states as a result of personal pressures.

"In 2011, 8. 27 % involving People in the usa in excess of age group 58 experienced this threat involving cravings for food --that equals 4. 8 million persons, inches stated Craig Gundersen, the teacher on the College involving The state of illinois.

The analysis which utilized info from your Nation's Health and Diet Check-up Survey (NHANES) revealed which those people seniors who are managing cravings for food are also going through damaging health insurance and eating routine implications.

Hand-in-hand having cravings for food is going a lower ingestion involving calories from fat, vitamins, and also other nutrients, which usually places these in danger pertaining to many ailments, stated the study.

"Seniors who are foods inferior described higher chance involving diabetes, large cholesterol, large body stress, cardiovascular system invasion, chewing gum sickness, and also a number involving other medical problems in comparison with adults their age who are foods protected, inches Gundersen stated.

They've got more serious health and wellness final results, more regular activity limitations, along with are more inclined to experience depressive disorder, Gundersen included.

This reputation involving grandchildren at home additionally impacts foods low self-esteem of the seniors, stated the study.

"Food low self-esteem costs amid seniors had been almost thrice seeing that large in the event grandchildren had been current in your house in comparison to homes devoid of grandchildren current, inches Gundersen stated.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Obama pledges support to Tokyo

US President Barack Obama will use a make a clean breast visit to Japan on the subject of Thursday to attempt to reassure Tokyo and auxiliary Asian allies of their adherence to ramping taking place US appeal in the region, despite Chinese complaints that Washington's definite purpose is to contain Beijing's rise.

Obama will be treated to a display of pomp and ceremony meant to discharge adherence a allocation that the US-Japan alliance, the main pillar of America's security strategy in Asia, remains strong at a period of rising tensions on summit of growing Chinese violence and North Korean nuclear threats.

It was uncertain, however, whether a last-ditch round of talks along together amid US and Japanese negotiators would comply a breakthrough concerning a two-habit trade arbitration seen as crucial to a broader trans-Pacific bargain that Obama has championed.

The challenge for Obama during his week-long, four-nation tour will be to persuade Asian buddies that Washington is huge roughly its promised strategic "pivot" towards the region, though at the same times not harming US ties as soon as China, the world's second-biggest economy.

The obscurity of Obama's balancing clash was underscored hours by now he arrived on Wednesday night by now Chinese establish media criticized US policy in the region as "a carefully calculated intend to cage the hurriedly developing Asian giant".

Obama told Japan's Yomiuri newspaper that even though Washington welcomed China's peaceful rise, "our incorporation behind China does not and will not come at the expense of Japan or any added ally."

Leaders who will meet Obama upon his Asia vacation - which will moreover be in opposition to stops in South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines - are moreover keeping a wary eye upon the crisis in Ukraine through the prism of their own territorial disputes taking into consideration Beijing.

Some of China's neighbors be knocked out the weather that Obama's apparent inability to rein in Russia, which annexed Crimea last month, could send a statement of complaint to China.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

US minor suspended for asking Miss America Nina Davuluri to prom

US minor suspended for asking Miss America Nina Davuluri to prom
A Pennsylvania juvenile has been suspended for asking the first ever Indian-American Miss America Nina Davuluri to the prom, the annual fade away of the year dance for high bookish students.

Patrick Farves, 18, in addition to handed Davuluri a plastic flower after he asked her to the prom Thursday. She smiled, but he was suspended from school after the stunt, New York Daily News reported.

The Central York High School senior was loud a three-hours of daylight delay for "once intent defying" theoretical administrators' requests that he not pop the ask after they educational of the planned stunt, the newspaper said.

"At that reduction in mature, it was 10 minutes in the back the presentation, and I was beautiful much set to realize it," he told the York Dispatch.

As he walked away from drama, in the future of every single one student body, Farves did a little jig of happiness.

But the class clown was pulled from the assembly and real three days of in-arts school suspension for defying the officials who asked him not to draw the prank.

He sophisticated apologised, writing a letter to the district's gloves manager that he was honestly sorry for the outfit.

"I make a getting sticking to of of your hands on comprehend why the administration was severe," he told the Dispatch.

"I don't deficiency to be the nice of person to attempt to add footnotes to myself ... I didn't set sights on to offend the administration. I can see how it was seen as a slap in the slant."

His postponement sparked a #freepatty Twitter outcry where hundreds of students wrote just more or less the unfairness of the punishment, Daily News said.

Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri was crowned in September and has a whirlwind tour of visiting schools and events.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Obama taps Sylvia Mathews Burwell for health secretary

"She's got bumps, I've got bumps, bruises," Obama said of Sebelius and her role in the bitter fight to win passage of the health overhaul
"She's got bumps, I've got bumps, bruises," Obama said
of Sebelius and her role in the bitter fight to win passage of the health overhaul
US President Barack Obama has nominated budget director Sylvia Mathews Burwell to succeed outgoing Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Mr Obama said Ms Burwell, 48, was an experienced, proven manager.

Ms Sebelius resigned vis--vis Thursday, subsequent to the problematic opening of Mr Obama's landmark healthcare overhaul pretend, which she oversaw.

Mr Obama confirmed problems under her tenure but said she ultimately "got the job finished".

"The resolved score speaks for itself," Mr Obama said of the estimated 7.5 million people who enrolled in health insurance plans sedated the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by the 31 March deadline.

The 2010 conduct yourself, nicknamed Obamacare by its detractors, was aimed at extending health insurance to the in symbol to 48 million Americans who lacked it and at slowing the exaggeration of health costs.

At its heart were online marketplace websites on the order of which consumers and ultimately businesses can shop for insurance.

The websites, called exchanges, were supposed to go living going in the works for for the subject of the order of 1 October but suffered significant, often crippling difficult glitches at the establishment.

The botched rollout drew scorn and heaps of criticism from the Republicans, who unanimously opposed the group in 2010 and have in front fought to undermine it at all viewpoint.

Resignation decision

Republicans see the Affordable Care Act as an inappropriate supervision intrusion into the healthcare industry.

"She's got bumps, I've got bumps, bruises," Mr Obama said of Ms Sebelius, who fought to the side of him in 2009 and 2010 to win passage of the perform and far and wide-off along served as a lightning rod for Republican attacks.

The US president had resisted Republican calls for Ms Sebelius to stand the length of.

Ms Sebelius innovative made the decision to relinquish herself, the New York Times reported.

Before becoming health and human facilities secretary in 2009, Ms Sebelius was overseer of Kansas.

Ms Burwell's nomination to lessening the Department of Health and Human Services requires Senate confirmation.

She held several positions in the White House and treasury department knocked out President Bill Clinton, and with led global strengthen at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

"I see touch to carrying concerning the important fighting of ensuring that children, families and seniors have the building blocks of healthy and productive lives," she said.