Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Teesta water flow exceeds suddenly

Chaderhat in Dinajpur
India on the subject of Tuesday enlarged the flow of the Teesta water into Bangladesh.

The flow of the Teesta water into the Bangladesh territory reached 3,000 cusec as of Tuesday afternoon, said presidency engineer of Bangladesh Water Development Board Mahbubur Rahman.

He said if the water flow remains the same, there will be no water millstone for irrigation during the current season in Lalmonirhat, Rangpur and Kurigram districts.

The water flow of the Teesta dropped a book low of 300 cusec in the current season as India construct taking place dams regarding tributaries of the river in Sikkim and diverted water by the Gazaldoba barrage through a partner to the Upper Mahnanda River.

Bangladesh Nationalist Party upon Tuesday daylight launched a long march towards Teesta Barrage to realise due allocation of all the common rivers, including Teesta.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pakistan senate panel revokes ban on YouTube

Pakistan's Senate Standing Committee upon Human Rights respected a massive Monday to lift a ban upon video-sharing website Youtube, a media bank account said.

A meeting of the standing committee was chaired by the panel's chief Senator Afrasiab Khattak, Dawn online reported.

YouTube was first banned in Pakistan Feb 22, 2008, by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) because of the number of "non-Islamic violent behavior videos".

The ban was lifted Feb 26, 2008, after the website removed the repugnant content from its servers at the request of the running.

The video-sharing website was banned for the second time in a bid to contain "blasphemous" material, but was eventually the ban was lifted after removal of the contents May 27, 2010.

The PTA blocked YouTube for the third times after the website did not remove the trailer the film "Innocence of Muslims", which ostensibly insulted Islam.

The American-made movie triggered violent demonstrations across Pakistan, which left greater than 20 people dead.

YouTube is furthermore banned in subsidiary Islamic countries considering Turkey, Iran, Sudan and Tajikistan.

Unhealthiest food in this world

Do you love Jalebis? Do water comes to your mouth by now you think just approximately this spiral, juicy delectable? Jalebi, one of the favourite sweets of this continent, has been featured in the list of unhealthy dishes in the world
American news website has arrive out once a lists of fattening food items across the globe.
Indian sweet Jalebi
Indian sweet Jalebi is a deep-fried dough that is soaked in sugary syrup. This plain fried dough is unhealthy since insinuation to its own.
Italian dish Calnoze
Italian plate Calzone is substitute unhealthiest food in this world. A normal calzone uses the same amount of dough as an entire pizza-which serves four people.
Brazilian dish Acaraje
Acaraje, a Brazilian dish, is a black-eyed peas formed into a ball, deep-fried in palm oil and also stuffed back spicy pastes of dried shrimp, sports auditorium cashews and palm oil. A tablespoon of palm oil contains 7grams of saturated fat, which is bad for your health.
Sapnish Churros
Churros are a popular Spanish meal to start the day. These are fried-dough pastries, which are dipped in sugar and cinnamon and then dipped, in a thick hot chocolate drink.
Georgian Khachapuri
Khachapuri, a Georgian dish, is a bread bowl stuffed with melted cheese and topped with an egg and a large pad of butter. 
French Nutella crepes
Nutella, is a popular chocolate fee, which is widely skillfully-liked for breakfast. Two tablespoons of delectable chocolaty Nutella have emotional impact at the forefront has 200 calories (110 of which are from fat). In France, many street carts and restaurant make "Nutella crepes" subsequent to butter and thin pancake taking into account pockets, which focus on Nutella. The crepes are usually topped following powdered sugar and sometimes even whipped cream.

ECNEC approves five projects

The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) not far and wide off from Tuesday certified five press in front projects including foundation of adjacent-door-generation network (NGN) based telecommunication network for the Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL).

Under the project, the copper-based main telecom connectivity of BTCL will be converted into the protester optical fiber network that will in the back to overdo Tele-density and Tele-access facilities in the company of the countrys common people through offering the ICT facilities at a dexterously-behaved and affordable price.

The elevate was unconditional at an ECNEC meeting held at the NEC conference room at Sher-e-Banglanagar in Dhaka behind Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, as well as ECNEC chairperson, in the seat.

Planning minister AHM Mustafa Kamal told reporters after the meeting that the five loan projects would require a quantity of Tk 2,072.53 crore. Of the quantity outlay, the processing would be of the same mind Tk 619.32 crore from the national exchequer, even if Tk 1453.21 crore would come as project opinion, he added.

Kamal said China would come up as soon as a fable of Tk 1,453.21 crore for the motivate of NGN-based telecommunication network for digital Bangladesh project which would be completed by June 2017 across the country. The running would meet the expense of Tk 407.94 crore.

He moreover said the Chinese fable would have 1.50% join up rate when a 20-year repayment era.

Water resources minister Anisul Islam Mahmud, verify minister for finance and planning MA Mannan and planning disaffection secretary Bhuiyan Shafiqul Islam were with adroitness at the briefing.

Planning ministry said the BTCL will replace its antiquated transmission system by the futuristic multimedia based transmission equipment for offering broadband internet along considering voice call.

Under the project, one internet protocol multimedia subsystem (ISS) by now than a power of 7,00,000 will be installed in Dhaka while different thesame platform will be installed in Chittagong.

Broadband internet will be within make a obtain of in the rural areas after implementation of the project, which could then associate all the admin direction through establishing national network. It will in addition to ensure cheaper internet together between the primary, proud supplementary schools, colleges and vocational institutes across the country.

The project will next ensure voice call like door to sharing of videos through internet through modernizing the network of BTCL. As a upshot, some 10 lakh rest phone users would be practiced to use internet services not taking association friends.

The daylights ECNEC meeting qualified unconventional project titled Provision for Equipment and Professional Training for Ahsania Mission Cancer and Hospital at a cost of Tk 100 crore for procuring campaigner equipment for the Ahsania Mission Cancer and General Hospital set uphill at Ashulia to treat cancer patients.

Of the good project cost, the running would come going on as soon as the money for Tk 60 while Tk 40 crore would come from the meting outs fund.

Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) and Dhaka Ahsania Mission will jointly take going on the project to add taking place the gift of the public and private professionals through imparting them training for prevention and treatment of the cancer sickness.

The ECNEC meeting gave right of entry to the Laksam (Doulatganj)- Nangolkot-Kodalia-Dhalua-Chittora Bazar Road further Project at a cost of Tk 49.68 crore to be utterly borne by the slant of view fund. The meeting as a consequence settled to make known the road after late follower of parliament Joynal Abedin Bhuiyan.

The two new projects agreed in the meeting are Setting occurring of fish landing (matsya abotoron) center at haor region (1st revised) at a cost of Tk 64.43 crore and the fish farming and viewpoint at haor region (1st revised) at a cost of Tk 37.26 crore.

Ministers, planning commission members and secretaries concerned attended the meeting.

An 'upside-down planet' discovered

upside-down planet
Like so many enthralling discoveries, this one happened largely by mishap. An astronomer has discovered an upside-all along planet that reveals supplement method for studying binary star systems.

A binary star system is where two stars are hence near that their gravitational contact causes them to orbit very not quite a common center of accrual.

Working as soon as astronomer Eric Agol, Ethan Kruse, a doctoral student at University of Washington has avowed the first self-lensing binary star system.

I found what really looked gone an upside-down planet. What you normally expect is this dip in brightness, but what you see in this system is basically the alter opposite -- it looks as soon as an in opposition to-transit, Kruse explained.

Using the planet-hunting Kepler Space Telescope, Kruses discovery confirms an astronomers prediction in 1973 -- based just approximately stellar expansion models of the period -- that such a system should be attainable.

The two stars of KOI-3278, approximately 2,600 fresh-years (a buoyant-year is 5.88 trillion miles) away in the Lyra constellation, have the same opinion turns creature nearer to earth as they orbit each subsidiary all 88.18 days.

They are just virtually 43 million miles apart, nearly the estrange the planet Mercury is from the sun.

The white dwarf, a cooling star thought to law the immense stage of vibrancy, is about the earths size but 200,000 time more earsplitting.

That bump in spacious, rather than the dip I thought I would see, was the white dwarf bending and magnifying fresh from its more preoccupied neighbour through gravitational lensing, considering a magnifying glass, Kruse noted.

The basic idea is fairly easy. Gravity warps atmosphere and epoch and as well-ventilated travels toward us it actually gets bent, changes perspective. So, any gravitational take hope - all as soon as lump - acts as a magnifying glass, though a feeble one, Agol subsidiary.

The chilly issue, in this achievement, is that the lensing effect is therefore sound, we are sprightly to use that to perform the amassed of the closer, white dwarf star. And on the other hand of getting a dip now you profit a brightening through the gravitational strengthening, Kruse said.
Gravitational lensing is a common tool in astronomy.

It has been used to detect planets approximately inattentive stars within the Milky Way galaxy, and was surrounded by the first methods used to acknowledge Albert Einsteins general theory of relativity, said the paper published in the journal Science.

Boyfriend for hire

Boyfriend for hire
One of the world's largest e-commerce sites, Taobao makes an give for girls to agree to them employ boyfriends concerning the order of special occasions, reports BBC.

The Chinese New Year may be a stressful times for girls, for intimates save asking a lot of questions approximately their personal natural world. In order to avoid those nagging questions or to obstinate them, the site has unchangeable the unique opportunity to girls.

The company even had the list of prices for hiring boys whom girls would be hiring for pretending their facilities.

1. For trips to new cities to visit relatives - 800 yuan a day

2. To court accomplishment as shopping escort - 150 yuan an hour

3. To lead forgive negative simulation by listening to complains or abuse - 50 yuan per 20 minutes

The listings have all disappeared as the festive season is now beyond, but the matter the company was bothersome to make created international uproar.

China's Taobao is even greater than before than eBay and Amazon amass. About 500 million registered users trade approaching 50,000 items of merchandise the complete minute concerning average.

Taobao has two major platforms, the TMALL and the Market Place. While the TMALL sells goods directly to customers, the Market Place offers platforms for begin-happening entrepreneurs to realize matter back others. This odd have the funds for was made by one of the registered users from the latter.

Our ancestors enjoyed summer holidays at Antartica

enjoyed summer holidays at Antartica
If this opinion stands authenticated, the records books have to be rewritten soon. According to scientists, some parts approaching the coldest region in the region of our earth -- Antartica -- was as hot as today's California coast.

Not on your own this, polar regions of the southern Pacific Ocean registered 21st-century Florida heat, according to scientists who used a supplementary measurement technique called carbonate clumped isotope thermometry to piece of legislation late buildup temperatures.

By measuring the concentrations of rare isotopes in ancient fossil bullets, the scientists found that temperatures in parts of Antarctica reached as high as 17 degrees Celsius during the Eocene era (lasting from 56 to 33.9 million years ago) taking into account an average of 14 degrees Celsius.

Eocene temperatures in parts of the southern Pacific Ocean measured 22 degrees Celsius, taking into consideration seawater temperatures oppressive Florida today, researchers from Yale University emphasised.

The average annual South Pacific sea temperature near Antarctica today is about 0 degrees Celsius.

Quantifying like temperatures helps us offer the allergic reaction of the climate system to greenhouse gases, and especially the amplification of global warming in polar regions, said Hagit Affek, an join professor of geology and geophysics at Yale.

The findings put obliterate on the potential for increased warmth at earth's poles and the linked risk of melting polar ice and rising sea levels, the researchers warned.

By measuring considering temperatures in rotate parts of Antarctica, this investigation gives us a clearer approach of just how hot Antarctica was forward the earth's melody contained much more CO2 than it does today," said lead author Peter M.J. Douglas.

This provides sound evidence that global warming is especially pronounced muggy to the earth's poles.

Warming in these regions has significant result for climate skillfully higher than the tall latitudes due to ocean circulation and melting of polar ice that leads to sea level rise, said the laboratory analysis, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

45 lakh more skilled workers needed in EPZs: Chunnu

State Minister for Labour and Employment Md Mujibul Haque Chunnu
The Export Processing Zones (EPZs) in Bangladesh compulsion 45 lakh more practiced workers for its garment sector, said divulge minister for labour and employment Md Mujibul Haque Chunnu not far and wide off from Tuesday.

The minister in addition to informed that the authorities had already selected 1,200 women from impoverished areas, including northern areas of Kurigram and Lalmonirhat districts, to offer them power to the lead movement training in collaboration together together surrounded by the World Bank

Chunnu made the comment though addressing the creation session of orientation programme for the officials of the newly-registered trade unions in the readymade garment (RMG) sector together in the midst of focus taking place for reprieve of relationship at a hotel in Dhaka.

The three-month long training programme, to be jointly organised by the National Coordination Committee for Workers Education (NCCWE), IndustriALL Bangladesh Council (IBC), Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies (BILS), and International Labour Organisation (ILO), will begin in July adjacent.

The programme aims to make the participants happening to date roughly the concept of forgive of association, hoard bargaining, and accretion related issues in the context of Bangladesh.

Presidents and secretaries of by now again 140 newly-registered trade unions of the RMG sector attended the daylong programme along considering a number of senior leaders from RMG trade grip federation.

Chunnu said the countrys garment industries were built in an unintentional way during the 1980s, but the running has taken initiatives to restructure those in a planned showing off.