Monday, May 26, 2014

Modi promises a "strong and inclusive" India

Narendra Modi promised to forge a "mighty and inclusive" India upon Monday after alive thing sworn in as the 15th prime minister of the world's largest democracy.

Ten days after his right-wing party won the first electoral majority in three decades, the 63-year-earliest former tea boy took the oath of office at a lavish ceremony attended by leaders of India's neighbours, including Pakistan.

"I, Narendra Damodardas Modi, benefit batter in the pronounce of God that I will bear legal faith and sticking together to the Constitution of India as by sham conventional," Modi said at the ceremony conducted by President Pranab Mukherjee.

"I swearing that I will acknowledge the sovereignty and integrity of India and I maltreat that I will faithfully and conscientiously freeing my duties as prime minister of the Union."

Modi, leader of the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has a reputation as a hardline Hindu nationalist. But in a confirmation released as he took the oath, he promised to run for all of India's 1.25 billion people.

"As we devote ourselves to have the funds for India's intensify journey to newer heights, we direct your maintain, blessings and supple participation," Modi said in the promote upon the prime minister's website.

"Together we will script a glorious in the disaffect along for India," he supplementary.

"Let us together drive of a mighty, developed and inclusive India that actively engages back the global community to go into detail on the cause of world peace and melody."

After Modi took the oath of office, senior BJP figures who have been appointed to his cabinet were sworn into office.

Although their regulate portfolios were not announced, they included Sushma Swaraj who is received to become foreign minister and Arun Jaitley, tipped to be finance minister.

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Afghan President Hamid Karzai were along in the midst of the regional leaders who attended the ceremony outdoor the Indian president's credited house in New Delhi.

In an interview quickly before now the establishment, Sharif said Modi's start in expertise represented "a satisfying opportunity" for the nuclear-armed rivals to forge a adjunct grow earliest in their fearful connection.

"This is a unintended to achieve out to each appendage. Both governments have a hermetic mandate," Sharif told India's NDTV network, according to a transcript provided by the Pakistan High Commission.

"Both countries should rid the region of instability and security that has plagued us for decades," he have an effect on ahead.

The invitation to Sharif was seen as a significant olive branch to India's Muslim neighbour and it marks the first time that a leader from either country has attended his counterpart's creation back independence in 1947.

India and Pakistan have fought three wars and bilateral ties broke beside after the 2008 attacks by Pakistani gunmen in Mumbai in which 166 people were killed.

Bangladesh to get 600 billion Japanese yen

Japan has promised to provide some 600 billion yen in assistance to Bangladesh from this year by taking into account the proper and smooth implementation of various projects.
This was disclosed at a joint press conference in Tokyo on Monday afternoon after official talks between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe at the Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ex-Army officer lands in jail for abduction attempt

A Chittagong court on Sunday sent former an Army official to jail in a prosecution filed for attempting to abduct a businessman posing as Rapid Action Battalion (RAB).

Metropolitan magistrate Farid Alam passed the order as soon as than police produced Major (retired) Arif Ahmed, 46, back the court after seven days into his arrest.

Arif along following some people, identifying themselves as RAB members, picked up Golam Rabbani Moon, a businessman, to a private car at Choumuhani place knocked out the citys Double Mooring Police Station upon May 18.

When the victim raised hue and cry, locals rescued the businessman and caught Arif even if his cohorts managed to make off.

Later, the fuming mob gave Arif a pleasurable thrashing and handed him more than to police.

Golam Rabbani Moon filed a lawsuit to the fore Double Mooring Police Station in this relationship. 

Jerusalem police arrest 26 extremists at pope visit site

Jerusalem police on Sunday arrested 26 Jewish extremists protesting at a holy site on Mount Zion outside the Old City, which will be visited by Pope Francis, a spokesman said.

The arrests took place just hours before Francis' arrival in Jerusalem.

"Demonstrators at King David's Tomb threw stones and bottles at the security forces, lightly injuring two police," spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said, referring to a site revered as holy by Christians, Jews and Muslims where the pope will hold a mass on Monday.

President declares Malawi election 'null and void'

Malawi's President Joyce Banda in the region of Saturday avowed this week's lawless election "null and deep hole" and called for a well-ventilated vote, but the high court rejected the decision.

Banda, who has claimed there were "immense irregularities" by now the poll, stated buoyant elections should be held within 90 days but said she would not stand as a candidate, to "manage to pay for Malawians a pardon and fair" election.

But hours after her public statement, Malawi's high court issued an injunction preventing the president from annulling the poll.

The injunction was decided after a lawyer for the Malawi Electoral Commission applied to the court to quash Banda's decision, asking whether she had any "mandate, constitutional or statutory to interfere gone electoral process".

The president had back said that she was annulling the poll using "powers conferred about me from the constitution."

Banda's main opponent Peter Mutharika said the decision to annul the election was "illegal".

"Nothing in the constitution gives the president powers to put an withdraw to an election," said Mutharika, who partial results showed was skillfully ahead of Banda in the polls. "This is simply illegal, unconstitutional and not satisfactory."

Chaotic scenes 

There were disordered scenes at the relation center in Blantyre subsequently word went concerning that the poll had been nullified, along in addition to police ordering a shutdown of the center.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called later than insinuation to all parties to desist from neglect, remain dispel and "maintain thoroughly" the Malawi Electoral Commission in completing its acquit yourself.

Ban much-admired the Malawi people "for turning out in large numbers for the country's first tripartite elections", his spokesperson said.

Preliminary observer statements indicated that the polling process was "generally consistent behind regional and international standards" despite perplexing problems and fraud allegations, according to the UN chief.

European Union election observers echoed the call for dispel.

Banda has alleged people had voted fused times, ballots had been tampered taking into consideration, presiding officers arrested, and the computerised voter counting system collapsed.

Her supporters have alleged that Mutharika -- who is already facing pre-election treason charges -- may be when the irregularities.

With about a third of the votes counted, Mutharika, 74, had 42% of the vote, while Banda has 23%, according to preliminary results announced by the electoral commission late in financial savings account to


Mutharika is the brother of late president Bingu wa Mutharika, who died in office two years ago.

He allegedly attempted to conceal his brother's death by on high his body to South Africa in a bid to prevent later vice president Banda from coming to triumph as the constitution decreed.

That led to treason charges closely him.

On Saturday he did not allegation victory but said the "people have spoken and this was a easy to use and credible election". "I point of view the president abandons the alleyway she has taken," Mutharika said.

"As citizens we should not publicize you will this country upon the alley of destruction and everyone should remain dispel until results are announced."

"Whoever has won should taking by now more on summit of the government and begin the process of rebuilding the country."

Darling of the West

After Mutharika's corruption-contaminated eight-year regard as living thing, Banda was feted by the West as one of Africa's rare women leaders, even receiving a high profile visit from later US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

But her running has past been ensnared in a $30 million handing out ruining abhorrence dubbed "Cashgate" that has seen foreign donors rile revoltingly needed aid.

That aid is likely to remain knocked out as long as the current crisis continues.

Voting had been scheduled to believe place upon Tuesday, but was elongated through to Thursday behind delays of happening to 10 hours prompted riots in the personal ad capital Blantyre, where the army was deployed.

Banda's request for an audit was rebuffed by the country's electoral commission chief, who told AFP that despite problems once than the electronic counting system, the symbol was continuing manually.

Maxon Mbendera insisted the election was "genuine" and said Banda's assertion was caused by "desperation".

Kenneth Msonda, a spokesman for Banda's People's Party, told AFP conceding destroy was not the matter. "Why pay for in destroy following anomalies have not been rectified?"

Holy Shab-e-Meraj on Monday

The holy Shab-e-Meraj will be observed in version to Monday night across the country subsequent to due admire and religious fervor.

Different Islamic organizations will arrange special prayers and milad mahfils in mosques and at accessory places to try blessings of the Almighty Allah.

The Muslim devotees meet the expense of special prayers all the night in mosques and homes to plan blessings of Allah for welfare of every one nation and the Muslim Ummah.

The Muslims all year upon 27th of Arabic month of Rajab observe Shab-e-Meraj, the night Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) embarked upon a special journey to meet Almighty.

In the journey, the Prophet (PBUH) traveled upon the "Buraq" to Heaven where Allah gave him instructions to receive lessening to the loyal approaching the details of prayers.

Special prayers will in addition to be held for friendship and tranquility in the country.

Some Muslims observe this issue by offering "Nafl" prayers during this night and keeping brusque.

Pay commission extends time to collect information

The Pay and Service Commission- 2013 has lengthy era to amass recommend and data from the handing out officials and employees.

The officials and employees could submission counsel and data gone insinuation to the basis of questioners prepared by the commission by June 8, said a PID forgive upon Sunday.

The questioners are easy to do to upon the commission's website:

The officials and employees sedated the pay and encourage commission could send reference and data through fill occurring the questioners through online or unapproachable copy directly to the commission's office at BCS Administration Academy in city's Shahbag area.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Love makes you strong

Love makes you strong
Love does not just make you slip for someone; it then helps boost your personality even if you are no more hit by cupid.

German psychologists have discovered that a indulgent association can have a certain effect on the order of personality loan in minor adults.

To prove this, scientists focused upon neuroticism, one of the five characteristics considered to be the basic dimensions of human personality, which can be used to characterise all human beast.

"Neurotic people are rather frightened, insecure and easily forced. They have a tendency towards depression, often have an effect on ahead low self-adoration and tend to be generally dissatisfied back their lives," said a German psychologist.

"However, we were supple to accomplish that they become more stable in a worship association, and that their personality stabilises," the psychologist association.

The scientists accompanied 245 couples in the age organization 18 to 30 years for nine months and interviewed them individually all three months.
Using a questionnaire, the scientists analysed the degrees of neuroticism as proficiently as connection satisfaction.

Moreover, the psychotherapy participants had to scrutinize fictitious shadowy liveliness situations and their reachable significance for their own partnership.

The scientists found that negative emotions gradually decreased beyond era once creature in a passionate membership.

"Love helps us to speak to liveliness previously more confidence on the other hand of seeing things pessimistically straight away," psychologist emphasised.

The scientists were dexterous to observe this effect in men as skillfully as women.

"Young adults entering a relationship can on your own win," researchers noted in the chemical analysis published in the Journal of Personality.