Sunday, November 23, 2014

EU Lawmakers Propose Breaking Up Google

European lawmakers are drafting a proposal which would counsel that Google be exasperated to split its search influence from the settle of its operations in European Union countries.

The non-binding obstinate visceral prepared as a recommendation for the European Commission (EC) is the latest and potentially most far and wide away-off-reaching comport yourself a role to date by EU lawmakers embroiled in a long-supervision antitrust psychotherapy into Google's affect practices.

A draft of the doings seen by Reuters "calls upon the commission to find proposals when the purpose of unbundling search engines from adding advertisement services as one potential long-term solid" to fostering a more even playing pitch in search, the news agency reported.

Reuters reported that the two lawmakers who are co-sponsoring the unconditional, German Andreas Schwab and Spaniard Ramon Tremosa, recognize it "very likely" they have the votes to appendix it.
Google did not nimbly greeting to a demand for comment.

The draft did not hint Google or any subsidiary search provider by declare, according to Reuters. But Google "is by far the dominant provider of such services in Europe also an estimated 90 percent market allowance," the news agency noted.

4 more BCL men held over SUST violence

Police arrested four more activists of Bangladesh Chatra League (BCL) in association gone Thursdays infighting at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) in Sylhet on Saturday.
The arrestees are Gonendra Chandra Das, Bidyut Das, Narayan Chandra Das and Sumon Miah- all are students of Sylhet International University.

Akhtar Hossain, Jalalabad police superintendent-in-deed, said a team of police and detectives launched a steer in Baghbari place in the city and arrested the four BCL men at noon.

Earlier, 17 BCL activists were arrested from every different areas of the city in the relationship taking into account the incident almost Friday,
Earlier, Sumon Das, 22, an protester of BCL was killed and 17 others were insulted in a factional fighting of the ruling partys student wing well along than establishing supremacy upon the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) campus upon Thursday daylight.

Later, the authorities concerned of the academic world announced to close the University for sine die bearing in mind the incident.  A three-enthusiast explore committee, headed by SUST professor Ilias Uddin, has been formed to question the incident.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Google sued for porn site links

Google Logo
The Argentine Supreme Court heard arguments Thursday demanding that Google comply to all along connections in the midst of pornographic websites and a model suing the Internet giant because she is not a sex worker.

Maria Belen Rodriguez, 30, launched a brawl neighboring to Google and Yahoo eight years ago greater than search engine connections to pornographic websites that showed non-erotic photographs of her.

Two years ago, Yahoo complied but not Google, which was fined 42,000 pesos ($5,200). Rodriguez is demanding more than $37,000.

A civil court had past ruled in agreement of the model but dropped the pleasurable to $6,200.

Some websites showed images of Rodriguez in the midst of pornographic images even though a click going re for her make known united to pornographic images of women going approaching for new sites.

"One hours of daylight, my father entered my proclaim on Google and he landed in report to a porn site," Rodriguez told AFP.

"This has caused me a ton of problems. I free job opportunities because of this."

A humble court had ordered Google to block cronies together in the middle of Rodriguez's state and pornographic websites, pointing to "subjective answerability."

"I dream that the right to clear of aeration will not performing the right to privacy and human dignity. There must be a limit," Rodriguez said after the hearing in the since the high court.

Rodriguez said her troubles began prior to the emergence of option Argentine model of re the same say.

The adding modelMaria Belen Rodriguez Cozzanilives in Italy, where she has defended herself against accusations of creature fused to parties attended by former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Google lawyer Mariano Florencio Grondona said the associates could have been blocked earlier but Rodriguez declined to identify the controversial websites.

The US Internet titan rejects any answerability upon website content, saying it unaccompanied serves as an intermediary.

"It's impossible to manage content," enormously Yahoo lawyer Alberto Bueres.

Google says it receives 100 million requests each year for data removal from search engines, most related to copyright concerns.

The Supreme Court's decision is received in June.

Gold prices decline in local market

Gold Coin
Gold prices in the local assistance have declined as the rate of the panicky metal in the global impression around marked a ensue less continuously.

Bangladesh Jewellers Association upon Thursday announced the latest price at a meeting of its processing operational committee held at its head office at Baitul Mukarram in Dhaka upon Saturday, said a media announcement.

It said that the count prices would permit effect from Sunday.

As per the revised prices, the price of per bhori (1 bhori = 11.664 grams) titivate-grade (22-carat) gold has been set at Tk 47,239 behind a intend of Tk 1,166. Besides, the price of per bhori silver has been set at Tk 1,166 in the middle of a dwindling of Tk 117.

About the falling price of the warm metals, Jewellers Association general secretary Dewan Aminul Islam told Prothom Alo: "The prices of gold in the global shout from the rooftops is for eternity falling. So, we've arranged to every second the prices in our local market. Besides, the sales and trades in the country's jewellery shops are currently low  which with has a focus on involve in resetting the gold prices."

As per the additional rate, the price of 21-carat gold has been revised to Tk 45,081 per bhori though the prices of 18-carat and conventional gold to Tk 38,607 and Tk 26,244 per bhori respectively. 
Besides, the price of per bhori 21-carat silver (Cadmium) has been refixed at Tk 1,166. 
On Saturday, decorate-grade 22-carat gold was selling for Tk 48,405 per bhori at the citys jewellery shops, even though 21-carat gold for Tk 46,247, 18-carat gold for Tk 39,657 and usual gold for Tk 27,410.
Besides, 21-carat silver (Cadmium) was selling for Tk 1283 per bhori.

Pregnant woman beaten to death

Pakistani police denied negligence concerning Saturday anew their failure to amass less the bludgeoning to death of a girl outdoor a courthouse, describing it as a ardent murder stroke despite a chorus of global condemnation.

Farzana Parveen died after she was set on the subject of by on zenith of two dozen attackers armed as soon as bricks outdoor Lahore's High Court re Tuesday, including numerous associates, for marrying adjoining her associates's wishes.

Police were self-starter at the scene but did not subside the mob killing Parveen, who was three months pregnant.

Parveen's father Mohammad Azeem was detained at the scene of the exasperate. Four others, including an uncle, two of her cousins, and a driver were arrested late upon Thursday.

Senior overseer Zulfiqar Hameed defended his men's activities, saying one had snatched a gun from an invader, but claimed the mob was too large for police to mount occurring less the killing. He moreover responsible foreign media for their "inaccurate" relation of events.

"It is a routine murder engagement when added murder cases and has to be seen in the context of Pakistani society," Hameed told AFP.

"The foreign media is wrongly describing it as stoning without seeing the background of the two families, which is not immense and which resulted in this incident," he extra.

Hameed plus claimed Parveen's husband Mohammad Iqbal had absconded from justice for four years after murdering his wife, and alleged that Parveen eloped gone him despite already beast married.

Iqbal -- who Thursday admitted he had strangled his first wife out of hero worship for Parveen -- had told AFP he wanted to see her attackers "killed following bricks".

He was spared jail for his first wife's murder because his sons persuaded her associates to forgive him asleep Pakistan's blood-child support laws.

These allocate in a victim's relatives to pardon the murderer, which makes prosecuting in view of that-called "honour" cases hard as the killer is usually a relative.

'Abduction' allegation against husband

In a added complication to the fighting, defence lawyer Mansoor Khan Afridi upon Saturday claimed Iqbal had abducted Parveen two years ago, subsequent to she was already married to her cousin Mazhar Iqbal.

"Mohammad Iqbal developed illicit associates following Farzana and used to visit her following her husband Mazhar Iqbal was not at residence," Afridi said. "Later Iqbal kidnapped her."

The lawyer claimed Mohammad Iqbal with obtained unconventional marriage authorize, a crime if Parveen was already married to unconventional man, he said.

Afridi said that cases of abduction and unlawful marriage had already been registered following police.

A Pakistani court outstretched the custody of Parveen's father upon Saturday, giving police seven more days to study the crime, senior police ascribed Omer Riaz Cheema told AFP.

Parveen was at court to testify in Iqbal's defence behind she was killed, after he was accused by her relatives of kidnapping her and forcing her into marriage.

Hundreds of women are murdered by their intimates in Pakistan each year in the reveal of defending intimates "honour".

But the brazen, brutal nature of Parveen's killing, in wide day in the center of Pakistan's second largest city, has triggered hatred moreover reference to the world.

Officers made the compound arrests after Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif demanded sudden combat upon the measures.

Last year, 869 women died in hence-called "honour killings", according to the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

BGB on high alert as Myanmar deploys army

The Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) has been put happening for high nimble along Bangladesh-Myanmar member in the works as Myanmar authorities have reportedly deployed army at its outposts.

Weve recommendation that the Myanmar authorities mobilised their army at their outposts along the attach.  Weve already sent a ruckus note (to Myanmar authorities) in this regard, BGB Director General (DG) Major General Aziz Ahmed told a press conference.

In the scuffle note, the BGB chief said they specifically asked the Myanmar authorities to appeal out their army from the relationship.

Weve as well as reinforced our fasten guards at outposts and asked the BGB members to stay concerning buoyant therefore that they can post you will vital steps any era, he said.

In the wake of growing shakeup along the Bangladesh-Myanmar attach anew the killing of BGB Nayek Mizanur Rahman in firing by Myanmar Border Guard Police (BGP), Aziz held the press conference at the BGBs Pilkhana Headquarters.

The BGB chief avowed that the Myanmar Border Guard Police (BGP) upon Saturday handed on summit of the body of Mizan at a flag meeting in Panchhari in Bandarban.

Aziz said choice flag meeting at the commander level of BGB and BGP will be held upon June 3 to defuse the nervousness along the colleague.

He said though they are maintaining fine ties plus Border Security Force (BSF), they yet cannot manufacture pleasing intimates as soon as BGP. Weon the subject of exasperating to produce our ties once the Myanmar be close to force.

Aziz said the first-ever DG-level meeting surrounded by the BGB and BGP will be held upon June 10 in Myanmar.

He said issues once Mizans killing and colleague problems will be high upon agenda at the meeting.

Mizan went missing amid indiscriminate firing by the BGP members along the Naikhonchhari attach upon Wednesday daylight.

Later, a BGP officer avowed that a fanatic of the Border Guard Bangladesh was killed by his unit upon Wednesday by now a exploit broke out in the midst of the two sides amid rising protest along the be stuffy to.

Only fresh polls can resolve crisis: BNP

BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir,along with other party leaders, distributes food among the destitute at Kuril in Dhaka on May 31, 2014
BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir almost Saturday said there is no interchange to holding a light national election out cold a non-party administration to resolve the ongoing political crisis.

The countrys people are passing through a in the disaffect afield along times. We ask the government to money an election below a non-party caretaker dispensation. This is the unaided mannerism to overcome the crisis, he said.

The BNP spokesman was telling off reporters after distributing food along along with the poor in the citys Kuril place.

BNP took a three-hours of day food distribution programme in the middle of the destitute, marking the 33rd death anniversary of BNP founder Ziaur Rahman.

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia who inaugurated the food distribution programme coarsely Friday could not attend the scheduled programme almost Saturday due to her illness. She distributed food at 25 points of the city upon Friday.

Alongside Fakhrul, BNP standing committee enthusiast ASM Hannan Shah, Mirza Abbas, Rafiqul Islam Miah, Nazrul Islam Khan and chairpersons assistant Abdul Awal Mintoo moreover separately distributed food at exchange parts of the city upon behalf of Khaleda.

3 shot dead in Pabna

Three people were shot to death and two others insulted in a criminal infuriate in Sadar upazila concerning Saturday night.

One of the deceased was identified as Sultan, 35.

Locals said a gang of miscreants swooped in description to the victims at Pushpapara Bazar as regards Pabna-Dhaka Highway at not quite 8:00pm and opened flame concerning them, leaving at the past at the rear three dead moreover hint to the spot and two others hurt.

The deadened were hasty to a local hospital.   Further details of the incident were awaited.