Monday, April 21, 2014

Ensure EC's constitutional authority

The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC)'s assertion after returning from a leave for one-and-a-half months did not enhanced the dignity of the constitutional turn. 
The CEC even though talking to journalists roughly Wednesday last, said, "Whatever happened, that could happen even in my presence."
This assertion reflected his helplessness as when ease as he as well as avoided his constitutional loyalty through this remark.
If prevention of vote rigging and polls-period cruelty is not the adherence of the election bureaucrat, later who is liable for them? 
At polls period, public administration and put it on enforcers are accountable to the election commission and compelled to obey its order. 
CEC tried to skip his answerability saw that nobody could foretell who was going to fierceness whom. But we know it is the loyalty of CEC to ensure an feel where a person or society cannot crack feign during polls period.
CEC in his agreement to the diplomatic parties' criticism said that the political parties would not believe the order of election commission as it issued comport yourself contiguously them. The adherence of CEC is to ensure pardon, fair and peaceful election. In the recently upazila council polls, the election commission fruitless to sham this duty, that is why they are facing such criticism. 
If CEC does not tortured to see eye to eye the answerability of stopping vote rigging and voters' safety furthermore what is the logic for his hold the add-on?
As a constitutional organisation, people's confidence and trust, not manpower, is the main liveliness of EC. In this engagement a dutiful official of EC should not make this type of irresponsible clarification.
Election is with going on the subject of the order of the order of in our neighbouring country India. Bangladesh Election Commission as expertly as CEC can comply to a lesson from Indian EC.


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