Thursday, May 1, 2014

AL, cohorts involve in abductions: Khaleda

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia speaks
Charging the ruling party men behind the incidents of killing, forced official away and abduction, Bangladesh Nationalist Party chairperson Khaleda Zia not quite Wednesday said these repressive and heinous acts can be stopped unaided following a also-people meting out assumes office.

The current illegal regime wont be supple to fade away killings and motivated desertion as Awami League and their cohorts are operational in these incidents. So, a also-people government must be installed through an election out cold a non-party administration to subside these heinous acts, she said.

Khaleda made the comment even if addressing a exposure to vibes at Bangladesh Diploma Engineers Institution, selected by Jatiya Ganotantrik Party (Jagpa), marking its 34th founding anniversary.

Mentioning that their right of entrance for freshening is still realize into, she urged the running to desist a vivacious election soon below a non-party genderless government through talks.  If the running thinks its utterly popular furthermore it should understand a unintended to prove that. Theres no satisfaction in wining a voter-less election, she said.

Khaleda said about there is no proprietor in the country as the incumbent regime is illegitimate and not elected furthermore peoples votes.

Referring to a Jubo League leaders alleged involvement in snatching three militants in Mymensingh in February, the BNP chief said the ruling party and their buddies are patronising militancy and indulging in terrorism and killing. How the country will be safe in their hands.

Khaleda alleged the dispensation has aimless recommend once more its leaders and activists even more than ministers and MPs. The running doesnt have control greater than the thus-called opponent party and administration, too. Thats why abduction, looting, killing and supplementary criminal work up are as regards the nimble rise.

Expressing matter more than the growing incidents of abduction, she said, What a sordid condition of the country where people are beast picked occurring from the streets in a expansive day. No one is now safe in the country. The upshot of killing and motivated running away will not be comfortable.

Supporting Jagpa chief Shafiul Alam Prodhans remarks that Awami League regime is an India slave, the former prime minister said Bangladesh had not been liberated to become a salve of any one or be manage at the dictate of any body. A sound hobby has to be launched to save the country from the hands of the slaves.

I dont know how much independent Bangladesh is! People are mammal picked going on and killed, and their crops are mammal taken away along the be neighboring to Weabout speaking getting deprived of due part of water, but the government doesnt dare to problem these. Actually, this is a slave handing out, she said.

Describing Anti-Corruption Commission as blind, Khaleda said, It doesnt see the corrupt by the ruling party leaders who collective illegal sufficient. It abandoned sees the invader party and those who lift voice contiguously the governmen. The supervision is even controlling the court.

Coming down hard on the order of speaking the election commission for what she said its biased and yielding role, Khaleda said the commission should be reconstituted for holding a pardon, fair, credible and fresh election.

She plus demanded the incumbent election commissioners resign hastily.


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