Sunday, May 4, 2014

Khaleda blames AL for killings, abductions

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia
Claiming that it is the ruling party, not BNP, is full of zip in the growing incidents of abduction, run of the mill killing and aggravated disappearance, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia in excuse to Sunday urged all to rally round out cold her partys umbrella to wage a mighty street interest to waylay the heinous acts.

Now its forgive that ruling party men are animated in the abductions and killings. I call nearly all the citizens, including professionals, civil outfit members and political parties to put going on gone to the streets when BNP to improve democracy, save the country and subside killings, motivated disappearances and abductions, she told a store-hunger strike programme a propos the National Press Club premises.

Khaleda along with warned the meting out that they will be compelled to undertake harsher programmes if it does not quit and fall the widespread extrajudicial killings and abductions even after their peaceful programmes surrounded by rallies, human chains and hunger strikes.

The former prime minister alleged that every country, including Narayanganj, has now become a death valley, as the supervision has no control on intensity of the ruling party cadres and comport yourself enforcers.

Referring to the killings of seven people after their abduction in Narayanganj, Khaleda said, Where is Nur Hossain, he is a criminal, people nonexistence to see him in jail. Why had there been a achievement as regards his home seven days after the abduction of as a upshot many people.

Charging the ruling party men behind the all incidents of infuriated abandonment and abduction, the BNP chairperson said though the incidents of abduction and the gnashing your teeth abandonment took place in back mention to all districts but no one has suitably far-off been arrested and brought to justice as each and every one those vivacious in the acts associate Awami League. The flood of blood will save concerning flowing as long as this illegal government will remain in go-getter.

She urged people to put occurring a hermetic resistance behind to this killer regime wiping out their eyes.

Mentioning that every one one of single one the people of the country are upon one side and Awami League and its scarf in crime Jatiya Party Chairman HM Ershad upon the added, the BNP chief said Ershad is the killer of Abul Mozur and Ziaur Rahman.

Ershad is a killer and he must be tried. Why the judgement of Ershad in Mozur murder conflict has been deferred. Had it be ended to save him along as well as you? she asked the direction.

As part of the countrywide eight-hour programme, the accretion-hunger strike was observed from about 9:15am to 6:00pm upon the Press Club premises to register its objection closely the perspectives repressive acts and growing incidents of supplementary judicial killing and abduction.

The programme was along with held in every upazilas, district towns and divisional cities simultaneously.


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