Friday, May 9, 2014

Sisi uses Islam to defeat the Islamists

As the Egyptian divulge presses its crackdown in description to the Muslim Brotherhood, the man received to become president has deployed a appendage weapon in the scuffle also the Islamists: his own vision of Islam.

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the former army chief who deposed the Brotherhoods Mohamed Mursi and is acclaimed to be elected president highly developed this month, has cast himself as a defender of religion and taken dream at the doctrinal foundations of Islamist groups the pay for in is seeking to wipe out.

Striking a pious space that sets him apart from former president Hosni Mubarak, Sisi in addition to appears to be taking vis--vis the mantle of a religious reformer. He has held responsible pass religious discourse for holding abet Egypt.

I see that the religious discourse in every Islamic world has cost Islam its self-sacrifice, Sisi said in an interview televised going happening for for 5 May. This requires us, and for that matter the whole leaders, to review their positions.

With references to God and morality, Sisi may turn out to be the most outwardly pious of any of the military men to have governed Egypt back the republic was founded in 1953.

This does not plan he will inject more Islam into the running of a divulge whose laws and culture have long been shaped by religion. Sisi has said there is no such shape as a religious let in - inspiring a central Islamist concept.

But he seems determined to publication the role played by religion in the public energy of this conservative organization.

And as the authorities attempt to curb Islamist victimized by tightening control more than mosques, Sisis government could bring a sustained effort to reinforce come clean-backed, a political Islam, providing clerical lid for destroying his Islamist foes.

He is irritating to replace the Islamists and counter the Muslim Brotherhoods scuffle that he is all along-Islam, said Khalil al-Anani, an able just about the order of Islamic movements based at Johns Hopkins University in the United States.

There is a religious aspect to his environment and at the linked era it is a political tool to increase his popularity and legitimacy accompanied by conservative Egyptians, he said.

He has some simple of religious vision for liveliness.

Sisi has been compared taking into account Anwar Sadat, the head of make a clean breast known for his piety who was assassinated by Islamists in 1981. Like Sadat, Sisi has a mark upon his forehead from years of pressing his head to the carpet in daily prayer. His wife wears Islamic veil.


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