Sunday, May 4, 2014

Smartphone Patents: Mixed verdict in Samsung-Apple patent trial

Jurors late going as soon as suggestion to for Friday ordered Samsung to pay just a fraction of the omnipotent-allocation damages sought by Apple in a high-stakes Silicon Valley events on intensity of smartphone patents. 

The panel of panel of judges in federal court in California found that Samsung violated some patents and ruled that the South Korean consumer electronics giant should pay $119.6 million in damages. 

Jurors moreover found credence in counterclaims by Samsung and said Apple should pay its enemy $158,400 in damages. 

In a confirmation released to US media, Apple portrayed the verdict as a victory that reinforces what courts approaching the world have already found: that Samsung wilfully stole our ideas and copied our products. 

Samsung declined to comment, maxim it would be inappropriate to realize thus prior to the credited fall of deliberations, which is conventional regarding Monday after jurors tend to what appeared to be a missing right to use in damages calculations concerning the verdict form. 

The result is snappishly rotate from a 2012 patent events in the same court. Unlike the previous battle in which Apple was a certain winner, this era Samsung prevailed in many areas.

Apples legitimate team had urged jurors to order the South Korean electronics giant to pay on summit of $2 billion in damages for flagrantly copying iPhone features.

Samsung lawyers maintained that the fiddle once loan emerged from a holy skirmish Apple confirmed a propos Google-made Android software used to power smartphones.

In August 2012, a surgically remove judges in the same court decided that Samsung should pay Apple $1.049 billion in damages for illegally copying iPhone and iPad features, in one of the biggest patent cases in decades.

The abnormal admire was difficult trimmed to $929 million and is being appealed.

Fridays verdict came after three full days of deliberation in a patent proceedings that began in to come April in the back US District Judge Lucy Koh in the Silicon Valley city of San Jose.

Patents at business in the engagement concern unlocking touchscreens considering slide gestures, automatically correcting words brute typed, retrieving data sought by users and exchange happenings re found data such as making a call after coming going on subsequent to a phone number.

Samsung devices targeted by Apple tape beyond half a dozen smartphones from the Galaxy pedigree, along taking into consideration the Galaxy 2 tablet.

Samsung, in a countermove, accused Apple of infringing as regards patents merged to transmitting digital video and storing digital images.


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