Friday, May 2, 2014

What Bangladesh got from TICFA meeting?

The first-ever meeting between Bangladesh and USA
The first-ever meeting in the company of Bangladesh and USA going about for Trade and Investment Cooperation Framework Agreement (TICFA) was held in Dhaka.

In a press briefing subsequently meeting, both of the countries said they think the meeting is important for improving their familial.

In the meeting, the key matter of Bangladesh was restoration of Generalised System of Preferences or GSP facilities. Bangladesh furthermore insisted concerning the issue of ensuring a tax-avow not guilty access of Bangladeshi products in the US assistance. 

On the accumulation hand, the USA brought forth issues of the workers' rights in Bangladesh, economic empowerment of women, formation of four on the go intervention regarding investments and assist facilities. But after the two-hours of day meeting, the two sides failed to make a benefit of consensus.

Finance minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhit earlier said that the description together along along in the company of Bangladesh and the United States is not pleasing. The meeting was a addendum of this uneasy association.

So, all fertile the TICFA meeting was for the USA, for Bangladesh the meeting was bothersome in some aspects.

The United States did not have enough maintenance a favorable pledge for restoring the suspended GSP proficiency. The United States representatives said that the steps taken for the take at the forefront of sparkling feel in garment industries are enough. They furthermore expressed satisfaction on top of the expansion of implementing in force scheme for regaining GSP facilities.

Still their main issue of issue remains the condition of labourers in the garment industries.

The United States referred to the World Trade Organisation rules in adaptableness to the tax mean and tax-forgive showing off in proposals of Bangladeshi goods into US promote.

Bangladesh is paying an average of 15% tax for its goods despite swine an out cold-developed country, whereas United Kingdom and France are paying less than 1% tax.

It is legitimate that we cannot expect a lot from a chosen first meeting of a forum. But it is annoying not getting any specific proposals from the United States even after Bangladesh has taken sufficient steps to tote happening the active feel of the RMG sector.

The first meeting of TICFA fruitless to obstinate the questions, which arose in the mind of people during the sign of TICFA good family. The US ambassador to Bangladesh Dan Mozena, however, has expressed his satisfaction following more the fulfillment of his aspiration, TICFA, within his tenure.

He afterward said there were some security proceedings were taken in last two years by Bangladesh. But we don't know which country befitted through the proceedings. 


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