Friday, May 9, 2014

Woman found dead after 100 days of missing

After reportedly going missing for 100 days, the body of a newlywed girl was found in the septic tank of her husbands village quarters at Adarshapara out cold Joypurhat municipality going around for Friday.

The victim is Subarna,22, wife of Palash and daughter of Hannan Sheikh, is the resident of Mirpur section 10 in Dhaka.

Tania Begum, victims elder sister, said Subarna was married off to Palash, as well as their cousin, a few months ago.

She went missing past her husband and mother-in-action Rahima Begum took her to Joypurhat from Mirpur upon 30 January, Tania said.

Later, Subarnas intimates lodged an abduction stroke as soon as Mirpur police bearing in mind-door-door-door to nine people, including Palash and his mom.

Following the fighting filing, police arrested four of the accused  Rahima, Arman Ali, Bakul and Sheuly. Palash, however, went into hiding.

On the basis of sponsorship gleaned from the arrestees, a team of Dhaka Metropolitan police (DMP) recovered the body of Subarna from septic tank of her husbands residence at Adarshapara upon Friday afternoon, said DMP senior accomplice bureaucrat Mukta Dhar.


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