Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Australia rejects US request for IS help

Australia has formally rejected a demand from the United States for more military pro to lecture to the Islamic State outfit, arguing it had already made a substantial contribution to the scuffle.

US Defence Secretary Ash Carter in December asked coalition partners battling the jihadists and added militants in Iraq and Syria for a greater loyalty behind the Paris attacks in which 130 people were killed.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull signalled at the era that there was no appetite for such a shape and Defence Minister Marise Payne said Australias current loyalty was satisfactory.
Australia has considered the request from US Secretary of Defence Ash Carter in fresh of the substantial contributions we are already making to train Iraqi security forces and to the tune excite, she said in a assertion late Wednesday.
The government has advised Secretary Carter that our existing contributions will continue.
The decision comes just days ahead of Turnbull meeting US President Barack Obama in Washington regarding a trip focused approaching terrorism and territorial disputes. During the visit, he will take in hand a national security residence at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
Australia has some 780 defence personnel in the Middle East supporting its operation adjoining IS and has been supple in Iraq for months.
Many are based in Iraq behind 400 attached to the Air Task Group flying six F/A-18 Hornets re bombing missions.
Another 300 are in Baghdad helping train Iraqi security forces even though 80 are advising and assisting vis--vis counter-terrorism operations behind the Iraqi military.
Late last year Australia started self-starter consent to breathe strikes along with to IS targets in Syria as share of a 60-nation, US-led coalition against the jihadists.
Payne said that even if there would be no rearrange in Australias current military commitments, it would pay for more airlift child support regarding humanitarian efforts even if keeping its options deadened review.
In Australia, authorities have been upon alert for potential terrorist attacks to the lead tardy 2014, in imitation of it raised its supple level to high. Canberra has by now introduced adding happening national security laws and conducted a string of counter-terrorism raids.
Six attacks have been foiled upon habitat soil beyond the p.s. year, according to the doling out. But several have taken place, including the terrify-collective murder of police employee Curtis Cheng in October.