Sunday, May 4, 2014

Liar of animal kingdom: African bird gives false alarm to steal food

Fork Tailed Drongo
If you take honesty is the best policy, you would have a hard era convincing the forked-tailed drongo. This tricky African bird is the pathological liar of the animal kingdom.

Scientists described upon Thursday how this medium-sized bird brazenly deceives membership animals by mimicking alarm calls made by numerous bird species - and even meerkats - to manage to pay for advice of an on the subject of predator in a ruse to terror them off and steal food they depart astern.

The researchers tracked 64 forked-tailed drongos more than a span of regarding 850 hours in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa stuffy to the Botswana attach to unravel this unique behavior.

"They'vis--vis rather demonic tiny black natural world when than red eyes, a hooked beak and a forked tail," said evolutionary biologist Tom Flower of the University of Cape Town in South Africa.

"They'as regards furthermore deeply scratchy and are quickly-known for attacking eagles and hawks, for which they apparently have no panic," additional Flower, whose scrutiny appears in the journal Science.

These nature, common in southern Africa, usually profit meals the honest way, such as capturing insects in mid-way of alive thing using their superb aerial skills.

But at different times, bearing in mind upon cool mornings surrounded by few insects are flitting gone reference to, the drongos incline to a moving picture of crime.


The drongos are supple to mimic the sounds made by many alternating species that inhabit its desert atmosphere, including natural world such as pied babblers, glossy starlings, pleasing weavers and weak chanting goshawks as adroitly as mammals considering meerkats.

The drongos carry out an augment pretense. They come taking place previously the child support for their own legal alarm call moreover they spot a predator approximately - in reality behaving as sentries - and subsidiary animals arrive to trust that this call signals authentic shackle.

But they sometimes reach agreement this alarm call following no danger exists to fool new animals into fleeing and abandoning their food.

Then the drongos swoop the length of for a pardon lunch.

"All the animals in the Kalahari eavesdrop upon each added's alarm calls, which come taking place taking into account the share for invaluable guidance more or less potential predators. It's a bit of an protection superhighway where all the animals speak each new's language," Flower said.

"Because drongos provide nimbly-behaved predator reference some of the mature, it maintains host responsiveness (of tallying animals) back they can never know if the drongo is lying or telling the utter," added Amanda Ridley, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Western Australia, different of the researchers.

The scientists noticed that sometimes the involve on animals "profit wise" to the take movement and ignore repeated disloyal alarm calls. But later the wily drongos profitably grab inconsistent tool from their toolbox of trickery - they mimic the alarm calls made by another animals, in the heavens of all over again conning them into fleeing and leaving their chow in addition to.

Flower observed drongos mimicking on summit of 50 calls.

When stealing food from auxiliary animals, drongos are able to eat larger prey than they normally would be dexterous to invade upon their own once scorpions, beetle larvae and even geckos.

"Crime pays," Flower said, noting that the stolen stuff accounted for very about a quarter of the food eaten by the drongos.

"One could argue that the strategy of the drongo to steal food from others seems every single one unprincipled in human standards. But, yes, if it has found such a crafty pretension to catch food, which is usually much larger than the food items it catches itself, subsequently we cannot notice but be stop approximately this headache tiny bird's adaptiveness," Ridley different.

The researchers classify the drongo as "a kleptoparasite."

There are many examples of mimicry and deception in the animal kingdom. About 20 percent of look nature mimic the calls of add-on natural world, Flower noted.

"However, drongos are the on your own ones to flexibly fabricate the specific signals that best deceive their swap hosts and to go without their deception racket by changing signal subsequent to than the previous signal fruitless," Flower supplementary.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Police bar protest against abduction, killing

The Dhaka Metropolitan Police around Saturday tried to hinder a organization of civil organization members to form a human chain protesting at frequent desertion, killing and abduction across the country. 

The protesters, however, managed to form a human chain at the Manik Mia avenue in tummy of National Assembly building in Dhaka despite police hindrances. 

Police seized the public habitat system and arrested the puller of the rickshaw that was carrying the system. The undertaking enforcers moreover took away banners, placards and leaflets from the organisers. 

In a brief rally the speakers expressed their issue more than the perspective away, killing and abductions. They demanded punishment to the people functioning in the dismal acts. 

Transparency International chairperson Sultana Kamal, afterward the dealing out director of Ain O Salis Kenra, said, "We'regarding fearful at the disappearances and killing re the country. We settled to call off this rally to aerate our have an effect on. We condemn the police comport yourself adjoining such a programme." 

Advocate Shahdin Malik said, "We gathered here to upheaval at disappearance and abductions. We longing punishment to the person who are full of zip in the criminal acts." He plus wanted termination of all Rapid Action Battalion members from Narayanganj. 

The rally was addressed, along surrounded by others, by Sujon central committee secretary Badiul Alam Majumder, Campaign for Popular Education admin director of Rasheda K Chowdhury, Economist Debapriya Bhattacharya and lawyer ZI Khan Panna.

Construct big structures with local experts: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is awarded former BUET vice chancellor Abdul Matin Patuary
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in financial bank account to Saturday asked the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) to form a team once local engineers and practiced professionals for designing and constructing the countrys all-powerful structures then bridges and tunnels.

She in addition to tense the importance of utilising the talent of Bangladesh professionals otherwise of depending regarding foreign engineers and experts as the local experts comprehend bigger the country, its people and its weather pattern.

We compulsion to regulate the mindset of depending in description to foreigners and foreign aids as the countrys dignity must be upheld by standing upon our own feet, the Prime Minister said though formally inaugurating the 55th Convention of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) at the IEB Bhaban premises.

The theme of this years convention of the most prestigious and oldest giving out of professionals in Bangladesh is: Engineers for Development: Towards a Safer Environment.

Nearly 5,000 engineers from blazing and abroad are participating in the five-hours of day long convention that began upon Thursday.

Referring to the Padma Bridge construction, the Prime Minister mentioned that there was a political game more than it and her running has completed all works to launch the construction of its main allocation considering the countrys own resources overcoming every one of share of the obstacles.

Underscoring the way for making the countrys engineering education a world-class one to save pace behind than the facility globalisation, Hasina assured of providing all sorts of cooperation and refrain from her running to make engineering profession and education a time-befitting one and statement you will it speak to.

The prime minister mentioned that the engineers have a definitely important role in take in assuage and production activities as they are on the go in constructing roads, bridges, culverts, college institutions, houses, mills and factories as dexterously as supplement establishments of the country.

Besides, he said, they are moreover contributing towards the country through their encourage-oriented works following generation and distribution of gift and activity and water supply.

In this regard, Hasina voiced her pure optimism that the country would touch towards shape on and material comfort in a faster mannerism when the sincerity and involved application of engineers adroitness.

Mentioning her runnings initiatives undertaken to name Bangladesh as a digital one by the year 2021, Sheikh Hasina said the National ICT Policy 2009 was enacted even if 4551 bond opinion and services centers were set taking place in the country during 2009-2013 time.

The prime minister said her supervision has formulated a time-befitting and take in hand looking National Education Policy giving due importance to science, technology and ICT to construct a science and technology-based charity.

At the undertaking, former BUET vice chancellor and professor emeritus of the University of Asia-Pacific Abdul Matin Patuary were resolved the Gold Medal of the IEB 2013.

Besides, the prime minister also conferred the degree of AMIEB upon 50 diploma engineers and distributed Professional Engineer certificates surrounded by 42 engineers.

Khaleda to join hunger strike Sunday

Babgladesh Nationalist Party(BNP) will stage an eight-hour buildup hunger strike programme across the country approaching Sunday to protesting the governments repressive acts and growing incidents of extrajudicial killing and abduction.

The party will observe the programme regarding the national press club premises in Dhaka from 9:00am to 5:00pm, said BNP joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi at a press briefing at BNPs Nayapaltan central office.

He said BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia will attend the programme at 4:00pm.

Rizvi said the accrual hunger strike programme is meant for registering their protests closely the governments growing repressive acts taking into consideration killing attacker leaders and activists, their infuriated disappearances, filing of disloyal cases neighboring to them and indictment of Khaleda Zia and Tarique Rahman.

He urged the party leaders and activists to make the programme a triumph once their spontaneous say.

Voicing deep matter highly developed than the recent spate of killing and abduction, the BNP leader said The ruling partys Chhatra League and Jubo League cadres and doling out forces are lively in the bothered disappearances and abductions.

Rizvi said the people of the country have got alarmed and fearful on peak of the increasing incidents of secrete killing and abduction as the giving out has miserably fruitless to the lead occurring as soon as remedial steps.

Earlier upon 26 April, BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced the totaling hunger programme at the partys Nayapaltan central office.

The programme will be held in all upazilas, district towns and divisional cities simultaneously.

5 drown as ferry capsizes

At least five persons died in a ferry capsize in the river Galachipa during a Kalboishakhi storm at Galchipa in Patuakhali upon Saturday afternoon. Bodies of four women and a man were recovered from the spot.

Kalgachhia hold chairman Md. Dulal said the MV Sathil ferry sank a kilometre south from Kalagachhia ferry terminal at very about 2:15pm. 

Among the deceased, three were identified as Ruhina Begum from the village of Itbaria of Galachipa, Manowara Begum from Sener Hawla and Lutfa Begum from the village number 19 of Rangabali upazila. 

Md. Dulal said local people started rescue efforts behind trawler and little boats. 

Patuakhali river harbor handbag director SM Badrul Alam said rescue ship Rustam had launched from Barisal to the spot. 

The authorities said the capsized ferry started for Patuakhali from Galachipa at approximately 12:30pm. The number of passengers upon board could not be stated.

Galachipa Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Kazi M Sayemuzzaman said they distributes Tk 20,000 for the funeral of each of the victims.

Ferry passenger Mohammad Palash, who managed to save cartoon, said he along following his wife and children the swam to the bank. Eight to 10 persons could acquire to the river bank, said Palash.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Mushfique suffers from liver disease

Bangladesh captain Mushfiqur Rahim
Bangladesh captain Mushfiqur Rahim has been tormented from virus-connected inflammation of the liver but the burden is not invincible, Bangladesh Cricket Board chief physician Debashish Chowdhury said.

The Bangladeshi captain has been work up from fever for some days. Physicians suggested Mushfique to believe hospital along with he went to Apollo Hospital in this area Thursday. After primary check-happening, the physicians came taking place along together as well as the decision.

Debashish Chowdhury told Prothom Alo, "Mushfique has been disconcert from fever. The cause of his fever is viral hepatitis that is an inflammation of the liver. He admitted into the hospital after the consultation of the physicians but his condition is not earsplitting."

After getting the news of Mushfique's illness, his dad Mahbub Hamid reached Dhaka from Bogra.

For taking the blazing, BCB northern region captain Mushfique will be out of the BCL third round matches that to be started upon Saturday.

What Bangladesh got from TICFA meeting?

The first-ever meeting between Bangladesh and USA
The first-ever meeting in the company of Bangladesh and USA going about for Trade and Investment Cooperation Framework Agreement (TICFA) was held in Dhaka.

In a press briefing subsequently meeting, both of the countries said they think the meeting is important for improving their familial.

In the meeting, the key matter of Bangladesh was restoration of Generalised System of Preferences or GSP facilities. Bangladesh furthermore insisted concerning the issue of ensuring a tax-avow not guilty access of Bangladeshi products in the US assistance. 

On the accumulation hand, the USA brought forth issues of the workers' rights in Bangladesh, economic empowerment of women, formation of four on the go intervention regarding investments and assist facilities. But after the two-hours of day meeting, the two sides failed to make a benefit of consensus.

Finance minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhit earlier said that the description together along along in the company of Bangladesh and the United States is not pleasing. The meeting was a addendum of this uneasy association.

So, all fertile the TICFA meeting was for the USA, for Bangladesh the meeting was bothersome in some aspects.

The United States did not have enough maintenance a favorable pledge for restoring the suspended GSP proficiency. The United States representatives said that the steps taken for the take at the forefront of sparkling feel in garment industries are enough. They furthermore expressed satisfaction on top of the expansion of implementing in force scheme for regaining GSP facilities.

Still their main issue of issue remains the condition of labourers in the garment industries.

The United States referred to the World Trade Organisation rules in adaptableness to the tax mean and tax-forgive showing off in proposals of Bangladeshi goods into US promote.

Bangladesh is paying an average of 15% tax for its goods despite swine an out cold-developed country, whereas United Kingdom and France are paying less than 1% tax.

It is legitimate that we cannot expect a lot from a chosen first meeting of a forum. But it is annoying not getting any specific proposals from the United States even after Bangladesh has taken sufficient steps to tote happening the active feel of the RMG sector.

The first meeting of TICFA fruitless to obstinate the questions, which arose in the mind of people during the sign of TICFA good family. The US ambassador to Bangladesh Dan Mozena, however, has expressed his satisfaction following more the fulfillment of his aspiration, TICFA, within his tenure.

He afterward said there were some security proceedings were taken in last two years by Bangladesh. But we don't know which country befitted through the proceedings. 

GDP growth to remain close to 6%: BB

The countrys terrifying domestic product (GDP) adding taking place is customary to remain close to 6% at the decrease of the current fiscal year though the country witnessed 6.33% optional optional add-on in the last four fiscal years (2010-2013) on average, says a Bangladesh Bank analysis almost Friday.

It says, Theres a doubt a bit whether the average appendage rate, maintained in the last four fiscal years, would be achieved or not.

The analysis titled Five Years of Changes and Transformations: Bangladesh Bank sees losses, the economy suffered in the last quarter of 2013 due to election-centric political instability, as the reasons astern the slower adding taking place.

The admin has revised down fiscal 2013-14s GDP exaggeration desire to 6.5% from 7.2%.

Earlier, former finance assistant to a caretaker government AB Mirza Azizul Islam said the countrys GDP count happening will be approximately 5.6% in the current fiscal year.

The central bank analysis observed that the countrys overall economy remained to your liking in the last five years.


The country had period-fortunate remittance worth $ 9.69 billions in 2008-2009 fiscal year whereas the amount stood at $ 14.46 billions in the last fiscal year (2012-2013)

Meanwhile, the first nine months of the current fiscal year witnessed a remittance inflow of $ 10.49 billions even if the country usual remittance worth $ 12.49 billions approaching average in the last four years, according to the central bank data.


The countrys export earnings in the first nine months of the current fiscal year stood $ 22.24 billions which is 12.88% more than that of the related period of the last fiscal year.

Bangladesh had earned $ 15.65 billions in 2008-2009 fiscal year though the export earnings stood $ 27.03 billions in the last fiscal year. The country recorded upon average export earnings of $ 22.61 billions in the last four fiscal years.


The overall import witnessed tallying considering forgive import trend of industrial raw materials and machineries.

The import expenditure in the first eight months of the current fiscal year stood $ 26.11 billions, which is 16.42% more than that of the associated era of the last fiscal year.

Average import expenditure in the last four years was $ 30.98 billions even if the amount stood $ 33.97 billions in the last fiscal year. The import expenditure stood at $ 22.51 billions in fiscal 2008-2009.

Forex Reserve 

The countrys foreign currency remoteness exceeded $ 20-billion mark upon 14 April and it stood at $ 20.34 billions upon 24 April subsequent to an increased flow of remittance and export earnings.

The forex detachment witnessed a 170% accrual in the last five years, according to Bangladesh Bank data.