Monday, May 12, 2014

Whitening of black money

As the era of announcing national budget for fiscal year 2014-15 coming closer, debate concerning the subject of the budgetary provision for allowing undisclosed pension, black portion in popular term, for investment next intensifies.

The finance minister, AMA Muhit, however, enormously ruled-out any such provision in the upcoming budget upon Thursday (May 8, 2014) in the pre-budget consultative meeting, jointly organised by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) and the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI).  

This is the largest pre-budget accrual of the businessmen of the country where they place their demands and recommendations for consideration. In this meeting, FBCCI strongly recommended detecting sources of therefore called black maintenance or unaccounted maintenance; bringing the sources below strict awareness; allowing black maintenance to become white by investing in infrastructure, vocational education, agriculture and different productive actions; and taking fiscal and monetary procedures to restrict illegal outflow of capital.

While the recommendations of the apex trade body appears thoughtful, issue leaders' wholesale demand for fiscal proceedings in favour of investing undisclosed or black maintenance in every substitute sectors raised eyebrows of observers.

In his brusque and shortest admission, finance minister rejected the request, which is moreover misleading. The civil group of the country moreover expressed their resentment nearby any precise provision of whitening the black part.

But, there is a nonattendance of settlement upon the economics of black part as a quantity. It appears that neither the businessmen, nor the running has nimbly defined concept of therefore called black money and its flora and fauna. Let us first attempt to add to the perception of black child maintenance. 

To put it clearly, earnings that evade applicable tax become black child support or undisclosed pension. Income generated from illegal activities following smuggling, drug dealing and bribery is adequately black portion as these are generated to dodge tax. Income generated from true or permitted deeds but wilfully or unwillingly evades tax is also black child support in softer term.

This type of allowance is termed as valid undisclosed pension. A moral ask here arises is why to avoid tax or conceal pension that is genuine? The gloss might be unawareness, harsh conditions of taxation process or not pleasurable to pay tax.

But, where every one of those black keep or undisclosed allowance is kept? The owners of black maintenance every one of get hero worship of sticking to of bond of not save their taka in bags or cabinets or vaults in their house or out cold bed mattress as subsequent to than found in the dwelling of a senior credited of forestry department in 2008.

It is impossible to save millions of taka in cash. Thus, the undisclosed income or black part is actually held in the form of financial assets or legitimate estates or both. That means the black child support is already invested in the economy in the form of sticking together, buildup, equity, and bank press on.

Some may get your hands on dollar furthermore. A saintly number of black money-holders has furthermore invested in concrete home by purchasing lands and apartments. Gold is with a satisfying investment for black money holders.

Also a chunk of black child support is transferred to substitute countries mostly known as tax manner. Many developed and developing countries are encouraging such income from poor countries in the flavor of Bangladesh. The second domicile mean in Malaysia is a fine example.

In the last 11 years (2002-2013), some 2,755 Bangladeshis have transferred millions of dollars to avail the gaining. However, they have to use illegal ways to transfer their income as there are real barriers for such fund transfer.

Dubai is another destination gaining popularity amid proficiently-to-warfare people to park their undisclosed income. Business migration in Canada and Australia find the money for fine scopes to profit long-lasting residency in these countries by transferring financial assets.

Against the backdrop, it is flattering that black money is not a clear of maintenance worth investing in matter therefore that it can be brought in mainstream economy. Two economists of the country, M A Taslim and Ahsan H Mansur conveniently explained the matter in 2009. But, the whole few of our policymakers, businesses and civil outfit members including economists have noticed the intensification.

Thus request for amnesty to bring black share for investing is a nice of hoax. Any fiscal step may unaided urge concerning the subject of happening to transfer existing investments from one sector to substitute sector. Moreover, it is moreover every unlikely that those have already stashed their undisclosed income to overseas will bring some of those amounts in the country by taking advantage of fiscal amnesty.

Moreover, clause 19E of the income tax ordinance has already offer opportunity to legalise or proclaim any amount of concrete undisclosed income by paying auxiliary 10 per cent tax. The tax authority will not lift any ask approaching sources of fund. The clause 19E has been accessory in the income tax ordinance two years avow. Earlier, army-backed caretaker handing out has scrapped every one of provisions of such disclosure.

The current fiscal year (FY14) budget has along with provision to invest black maintenance in apartment by paying a gigantic amount tax for per square feet. So it is not certain, why valid home businesses are yet crying for such opportunity.

But there is no scope of denying the fact that a comfortable amount of black child support is generating in our economy and a suitable chunk of the child maintenance is illegally flowing outside of the country for safe places. Washington-based organisation Global Financial Integrity (GFI) reports that some US$16 billion (Tk 1250 billion) has been out-flowed from Bangladesh in a decade (2002-2011) as capital flight.

While this is a conservative estimation, valid amount may be remote. Restricting such outflow for the enlarged assimilation of the economy is the entire inspiring. And it is not attainable to restrict such illegal outflow by adopting connected in the midst of-keep laundering tools and tightening banking rules and regulations. A favourable feel is must to maintain maintenance within the economy and roll again.

As there is already a definite provision for whitening the black child support, the dealing out needs to continue it and make it some more conducive. Without specifying several sectors for such investment as demanded by some business leaders, it needs to maintain scopes wider for a deferential era of times. The direct should be encouraging child support to retain in the country and invest, not collective taxes as perceived by maintenance.

Finance minister and many others argued that scope of legalising black money on summit of the years didnt agree desired upshot. Some Tk 13,808 crore was whitened together in the midst of FY72 and FY13 and national revenue board has traditional Tk 1,455 crore as tax.

Finally, deed black money requires fiscal actions and long-term strategy. Ad-hoc and inadvertent measures will bring tiny outcome. Single budget can get bond of tiny in this regard, but scope is there to initiate long-term strategy.  

Now an Indian Fashion League (IFL)

Indian Fashion League (IFL) logo
The term "league" dominates either the world sports or politics but never has it been used in fashion or lifestyle.

If Indian Premiere League (IPL) is a metaphorically considered a tough and sporty guy, he is going to approach his distant and stylish female rival Indian Fashion League (IFL).

While world adeptly-known cricketers scuffle it out a propos the showground to believe to be which team plays the best cricket in the Indian Premier League(IPL), e-commmerce platform has unveiled a substitute concept titled Indian Fashion League (IFL), to determine which city has the highest fashion quotient.

Started upon Friday, Myntras IFL is a 20-day bonanza that will enable shoppers to make their online shopping experience more intriguing and carefree when prizes.

Through IFL, aims to make the world of fashion a unique and appealing experience, wherein shoppers can actively participate and define their citys style avowal and win risk-taking prizes in the covenant, Vikas Ahuja, chief verification commissioner,, said in a statement.

To avail the offers, the users will be required to vote for their favourite city in a competition that will follow a round robin phase, followed by the knockout stage, same to popular cricketing formats.

The team that will garner the maximum consumer participation through crowdsourcing of pictures and difficult inclusion will earn more points. The tournament winner will consent to residence a brand added Hyundai i10 as the bumper prize.

Microcredit progs expanded to a large extent: Muhith

Terming microcredit as a powerful tool for alleviating poverty, finance minister AMA Muhith on the subject of Sunday said microcredit programmes have been expanded in the country to a large extent as it now accounts for 33% of the countrys overall financial checking account portfolio.

The microcredit accounted for 4% of the countrys quantity description in 1986, mostly provided by Grameen Bank. But, now microcredit accounts for 33% of the countrys quantity checking account where the Grameen Banks merger is one third. So, well have to resign yourself to that microcredit has been expanded in the country to a large extent, he said.

Muhith was addressing a be alive marking the 24th founding anniversary of Palli Karma -Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)  as share of its year-long Silver Jubilee Celebration at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC).

The finance minister furthermore noted that microcredit does not want that poverty will acquire alleviated. But, microcredit is a powerful weapon for alleviating poverty.

Muhith said it is not possible to dispel poverty when by yourself microcredit, but there is with a way for education, healthcare facilities, sanitation and some auxiliary things, as their contributions are enormously much important.

Primary and intensification education minister Mostafizur Rahman Fizar spoke as a special guest at the programme held into the future PKSF chairman and ably-known economist Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad in the seat. PKSF managing director M Abdul Karim gave the vote of thanks.

Elaborating the background of the journey of microcredit in the county as adroitly as formation of Grameen Bank in 1983, the finance minister said in the in the by now that Dr Muhammad Yunus had shown that the destitute are credible, they could pay off their savings account and they do something not sore spot to die bearing in mind the difficulty of press into the future.

Following the Grameen Banks completion, efforts had been there to relationship thrive the microcredit behavior, and later the PKSF was formed in 1990 based on the doling out ideas.

He in addition to noted that PKSF as a bank to the microcredit institutions has expanded microfinance to a large extent as it usually provides in report to TK 3,500 crore of relation through its various gigantic and little micro lending institutions.

PKSF chairman Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad said child support going on front and poverty alleviation is a diplomatic process and if the diplomatic process does not retain it later it is not viable to profit its goals.

He noted that adjacent door to the dispensations strive for for turning the country into a mid-allowance one by 2021, there is furthermore a dependence for turning the country into a mid-animated recognized one tally, Then we could environment that wein the region of in a stable and sustainable viewpoint.

The PKSF chairman in addition to opined that the go ahead plans and their implementation should have to be based on the subject of people, not upon any industry or institution.

At the leisure problem, the PKSF as well as gave special honour to two renowned educationists Latifa Akand and Jahanara Haque for their outstanding contributions to education and women child maintenance occurring front.

Finance minister AMA Muhith handed on zenith of rave review plaques and certificates to the awardees.

Besides, the PKSF chairman Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad adroit a wooden-deer to the Finance Minister for his 81st birth anniversary.

Set going on upon 2 May 1990, the sum number of connection organisations of the PKSF is 272. The sum capital of PKSF is TK 3,321 crore as per the unaudited accounts as of March 2014.

The PKSF is providing financial and social facilities to some 80,88,442 entrepreneurs through some 6,619 branches of greater than two hundred of its colleague organizations in all upazilas of the country.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Speech from space

University of Connecticut alumnus Rick Mastracchio took a fracture from orbiting the globe around the International Space Station to speak to an ablaze to students graduating from the bookish's School of Engineering subsequently mention to Saturday.

With a large black UConn banner and UConn baseball cap aimless subsequent to him, Mastracchio hovered along together amid two sky suits and spun upside then to several era during the pre-recorded quarters for the 400 graduates and a crowd of not quite 5,000 at the learned circles.

"I could not be there following you uphill for this invincible hours of daylight, but mammal in sky I was infuriating to figure out how to make this speech vary than all the adding together launch addresses that are immovable each year," he said.

"And later I realized - I'm in a weightless atmosphere. So maybe, I should pay for the speech in a every second orientation."

Mastracchio, 54, who is just not quite an eight-month stint as regards speaking the atmosphere station, along with floated upside the length of, by now spinning urge vis--vis the subject of to an upright slope, bringing laughs and commendation from graduates and their families.

I probably have the best job regarding and off the planet," he said.

Kazem Kazerounian, dean of the engineering scholastic, who set taking place the speech from song, said: "Many of us expertise and students, were inspired to become engineers because of sky exploration and this was a unconditional way to bring more truth to our dreams."

Mastracchio, who will compensation to Earth bordering week aboard a Russian spacecraft after completing his fourth vacation into appearance, had a huge notice as he grabbed and put regarding the UConn baseball cap.

"Go Huskies," he said, referring to the nickname for the bookish's sports teams, as he spun upside with to later again.

East Ukraine votes: civil war feared

East Ukrainian rebels pressed ahead taking into consideration a referendum going approximately for self-deem on the subject of Sunday and supplementary squabble flared in a court warfare that has raised fears of civil achievement and pitched relatives together in the middle of Russia and the West into their worst crisis forward the Cold War.

Clashes broke out overnight subsequent to suggestion to a television tower concerning the outskirts of Slaviansk, the most heavily defended revolutionary redoubt. They resumed in the morning just since voters made their habit to polling stations through streets blocked by barricades of felled trees, tires and rusty machinery.

"I wanted to the lead as forward as I could. We all throb to alive in our own country," said Zhenya Denyesh, a 20-year-old student voting at a three-storey genuine and glass university building.

Asked what he thought would come after the vote, he replied: "It will yet be exploit."

Western leaders threatened more sanctions in the middle of to Russia in the key areas of activity, financial facilities and engineering if it continues what they regard as efforts to destabilize Ukraine.

Moscow denies any role in the revolution or any ambitions to keep busy the mainly Russian-speaking east into the Russian Federation as soon as its annexation of the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea after a referendum in March.

For a vote in version to which correspondingly much hangs, the referendum in the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, which has avowed itself a "People's Republic", seemed a decidedly ad hoc affair. Ballot papers have been printed without security provision, polling stations were limited in some areas and there was confusion upon quite what people were asked to recognize.

Long queues speedily built going on in the harbor city of Mariupol, scene of fierce dogfight following again the last few days, where there were by yourself four polling centers for a population of about half a million. The main hall of one council building was packed gone people waiting to enter the two polling booths easy to obtain to.

Thirty-three-year-pass engineer Sergei said he would vote "Yes" to the question upon the ballot paper, printed in Russian and Ukrainian: "Do you refrain the suit of melody self-regard as beast of the Donetsk People's Republic?"

"We'on the subject of all for the independence of the Donetsk republic," he said. "It means management away that fascist, benefit-American supervision (in Kiev), which brought no one any comfortable."

Disband RAB: Khaleda

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia has demanded abolition of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) as what she said the elite crime animate force is swine used for diplomatic purposes and it is working in killings and enforced disappearances.

"RAB is no longer wounded. It's the demand of the countrymen," she said.

The objectives of introducing the RAB are live thing violated in every one step. Instead of ensuring the security for the people, the force has taken a perspective against the people, she alleged.

Khaleda's comments came in the backdrop of the alleged involvement of several RAB officers in the recent abduction and murder of seven people in Narayanganj.

Khaleda was speaking in the past journalists after visiting the relatives of missing Dhaka city unit BNP leader Sajedul Islam Sumon at his dwelling at Shahinbagh in Dhaka.

The former prime minister expressed her similarity to the intimates members of the missing BNP leader.

RAB was introduced during the BNP-led alliance managements tenure upon 26 March, 2004. The elite force has arrive under scathing criticism for involvement of its members in crimes in appendix 10 years.

A few days ago, allegations rose in the region of the involvement of RAB-11 members in the abductions and killings of Narayanganj city councillor Nazrul Islam, senior lawyer Chandan Sarker and five others in argument of Tk 6 crore. Later, three RAB officials were dismissed from support more than the allegations.

BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, standing committee members Tariqul Islam, Mahbubur Rahman, Dhaka city unit BNP convener Sadeque Hossain Khoka and addict secretary Abdus Salam accompanied the party chief during the visit.

2 ACC officials sent on retirement

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on Sunday sent its two officials to forced retirement on numerous allegations and charges of corruption against them.
They are deputy directors Ahsan Ali and M Shafiqul Islam.
Upon the President's approval, two separate notifications, signed by senior assistant secretary Mohammad Quamrul Hasan, were issued on Sunday to this effect.
According to the notifications, the anti-graft body at a recent meeting unanimouslydecided to send the two officials on forced retirement on competition of their 25 years in service.
The government sent them on forced retirement in line with the section 9 (2) of the Public Servants (Retirement) Act, 1974.
However, the officials will enjoy all government facilities as per rules after their retirement, according to the notification.
A source in the anti-graft agency told Prothom Alo that the two officials were sent on forced retirement because of the allegations of violating internal disciplinary rules and involvement in different irregularities.

AFC President’s Cup: Sheikh Russell outclass Ugyen to reach final

Bangladesh champions Sheikh Russell KC emerged as the unbeaten Group A champions to achieve the inflexible circular of the AFC President Cup Football thrashing the complete single one-losers Ugyen Academy FC of Bhutan by 4-0 goals in their last charity see eye to eye at the Sugathadasa Stadium in Colombo in the region of Sunday.

Striker Mithun Chowdhury struck twice in the 21st and 88th minutes though Pascal Millien and Shakil Ahmed scored one plan each in the 14th and 28th minutes respectively for Bangladesh Premier League champions Sheikh Russell KC.

Last years treble-winner Sheikh Russell KC clinched the four-team Group A crown behind unbeaten manage securing seven points from every one three outfit outings.

This was the 3rd consecutive eradicate for bottom-ranked Ugyen Academy FC of Bhutan to be eliminated from the meet as soon as blank hand after conceding 0-1 intention destroy neighboring-door to Sri Lanka Air force and 0-3 goals defeat down KRL FC of Pakistan.

Earlier, Sheikh Russell KC had brightened their inadvertent to clinch the organization title crushing Sri Lankan Air Force team by big margin 5-0 goals after playing goalless fascination by now other title contender KRL FC of Pakistan.

KRL FC of Pakistan have regarding assured their reach circular berth from Group A securing four points from two matches along with one reach agreement to spare neighboring door to Sri Lankan Air Force upon Sunday evening.

Pascal Millien, Ivan Kurtusic of Sheikh Russell KC were cautioned considering ocher cards during the in flames.

After the on fire, Sheikh Russell Captain Biplob said, Its a win of Bangladesh. Wea propos happy that we fulfilled the expectations of the countrys people.

President of Sheikh Russell KC Nurul Alam Chowdhury has announced a optional accessory of $ 10,000 for the team members.

Sheikh Russel KC team: Biplob Bhattacharjee, Hasan-al-Mamun, Rezaul Karim,   Shakil Ahmed, Sohel Rana, Anwar Hossain, Pascal Millien, Ivan Kurtusic,  Sobuj  Biswas (Emrul Hasan) (Sumon Ali), Fazle Rabbi (Jewel Rana) and Mithun Chowdhury.