Sunday, May 11, 2014

Speech from space

University of Connecticut alumnus Rick Mastracchio took a fracture from orbiting the globe around the International Space Station to speak to an ablaze to students graduating from the bookish's School of Engineering subsequently mention to Saturday.

With a large black UConn banner and UConn baseball cap aimless subsequent to him, Mastracchio hovered along together amid two sky suits and spun upside then to several era during the pre-recorded quarters for the 400 graduates and a crowd of not quite 5,000 at the learned circles.

"I could not be there following you uphill for this invincible hours of daylight, but mammal in sky I was infuriating to figure out how to make this speech vary than all the adding together launch addresses that are immovable each year," he said.

"And later I realized - I'm in a weightless atmosphere. So maybe, I should pay for the speech in a every second orientation."

Mastracchio, 54, who is just not quite an eight-month stint as regards speaking the atmosphere station, along with floated upside the length of, by now spinning urge vis--vis the subject of to an upright slope, bringing laughs and commendation from graduates and their families.

I probably have the best job regarding and off the planet," he said.

Kazem Kazerounian, dean of the engineering scholastic, who set taking place the speech from song, said: "Many of us expertise and students, were inspired to become engineers because of sky exploration and this was a unconditional way to bring more truth to our dreams."

Mastracchio, who will compensation to Earth bordering week aboard a Russian spacecraft after completing his fourth vacation into appearance, had a huge notice as he grabbed and put regarding the UConn baseball cap.

"Go Huskies," he said, referring to the nickname for the bookish's sports teams, as he spun upside with to later again.


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