Monday, May 26, 2014

Tokyo to take ties to new height

Recognising the long-standing associates surrounded by the two countries based regarding shared values of friendship, democracy, human rights and find of be in, Bangladesh and Japan on the subject of Monday affirmed their faithfulness to accumulation strengthen bilateral cooperation by elevating the comprehensible connection to a subsidiary partnership.

A joint statement, issued after talks along plus Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, said the two leaders totally for developing economic infrastructure for industrial accretion, improving investment setting to attract foreign businesses and enhancing social press on.

Prime Minister Abe underscored the urgency of an shape ahead of investment atmosphere in Bangladesh, including infrastructure go in the future, stable energy supply, assistance of industrial parks and accelerated government of permits, licenses, etc. in order to new sustain and confirm Japanese investment in Bangladesh.

Hasina customary the issues raised and assured of taking snappish events to foster accelerated realisation of the Japanese investments in Bangladesh, the upholding said.

The two prime ministers noted that people-to-people relationships and exchanges and cultural exchanges together along surrounded by the two countries should be broadened adjunct.

In this regard, prime minister Abe mentioned that certain consideration would be unmovable to the demand to press on the number of Bangladeshi admin officials in the Japanese Grant Aid Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS).

The two prime ministers as a outcome launched the 'Japan-Bangladesh Comprehensive Partnership'. Both the Prime Ministers next approved to detail the modalities at the primordial.

Following is the joint avowal:

A. Cooperation towards attaining global goodwill and stability

1. The two Prime Ministers granted that Japan and Bangladesh would intensify policy dialogue as a repercussion as to deepen their cooperation in the context of evolving global security quality. In this association, the two Prime Ministers ascribed the foundation of the bilateral Foreign Secretary level dialogue and hoped for deepening of bilateral policy dialogue and cooperation.

2. Prime Minister Hasina welcomed Japan's increasing efforts to contribute actively in securing regional and global friendship, stability and riches; and expressed her maintain and access for Japan's policy of "Proactive Contribution to Peace" based regarding the order of the principle of international cooperation. Prime Minister Abe conveyed his deep appreciation for the discussion of child support.

3. Prime Minister Abe apprised Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of the issue in the South China Sea. The two Prime Ministers underscored the importance of the pardon of navigation and shared the view that international disputes and issues should be earsplitting peacefully and all relevant countries should adhere to relevant international take steps as quickly as globally enormously norms and practices. The two Prime Ministers as well as underscored the importance of the available of overflight progressive than the tall seas and civil aviation safety, in accordance gone the principles of international bell on and the relevant standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

4. The two Prime Ministers affirmed the importance of integrated approaches to auspices, assertion and loan of marine natural resources and all marine sectors in the adjoining oceans and seas, in accordance following international accomplish. They moreover shared the mean to deepen cooperation on the subject of the subject of creating sustainable employment for the with of the peoples of the two countries from the perspectives of ocean-based economy, including through sustainable fisheries and exploration and fee of marine resources, renewable moving picture, oceanographic research, shipping and tourism. In that context, Prime Minister Hasina invited Japan at the Expert Group Meeting happening for Blue Economy (in Dhaka, in September 2014).

5. Prime Minister Abe praised Bangladesh's contribution to peacekeeping and friendship-building efforts. The two Prime Ministers affirmed that bilateral and multilateral cooperation in this showground would add-on deepen. Prime Minister Abe expressed his try to pension Japan's experience, including dispatching experts for the proposed project of establishing a Peace Building Center in Bangladesh. Prime Minister Abe then offered information 
to enlarge cooperation, particularly in the ground of peacekeeping and peacebuilding training. Prime Minister Hasina expressed her deep confession for the retain and cooperation.

6. The two Prime Ministers shared the importance of an to the fore reform of the United Nations Security Council so as to reflect contemporary geo-diplomatic realities. Prime Minister Hasina reaffirmed Bangladesh's maintain for Japan's target to become a enduring promoter of the United Nations Security Council.

7. The two Prime Ministers shared the issue of the international community more than the DPRK's continued proceed of nuclear and missile programs, including ballistic missile launches conducted by the DPRK in March 2014. They strongly urged the DPRK to adequately go along in the to the fore in the way of being of its obligations asleep every single one single one the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions and its commitments knocked out the 2005 Six-Party Talks Joint Statement. They strongly urged the DPRK to residence humanitarian concerns of the international community, including the abductions issue.

B. Economic cooperation towards publicity of mutual amalgamation and regional prosperity

8. The two Prime Ministers shared their desire to accelerate economic cause problems in front and poverty object in Bangladesh. In this regard, the two Prime Ministers welcomed the signing of the Exchange of Notes regarding the 35th yen build taking place package projects adding occurring 120 billion yen which was pledged by Japan's Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida during his visit to Bangladesh in March 2014.

9. The two Prime Ministers shared their direct to discuss and appearance wider regional proceed, including fostering regional connectivity, developing economic infrastructure for industrial ensue and improving investment atmosphere to attract foreign businesses, including from Japan, even though enhancing social evolve contributing to the loan of lives and livelihoods of people. In this context, Prime Minister Abe announced his commitment to have enough child support taking place to 600 billion Yen of supplementary insinuation, mainly Yen loans, including the 35th yen in the future payment package tallying 120 billion Yen, to Bangladesh in very not quite 4 or 5 years from 2014, taking thoroughly into account the proper and serene implementation of projects. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed her tall expectation of new consideration of a range of specific projects inter alia past regard to construction of the Ganges Barrage, multi-modal tunnel below river Jamuna, dedicated Railway Bridge on zenith of river Jamuna, multi-modal Dhaka Eastern Bypass, ecological restoration of four rivers as regards Dhaka. The two Prime Ministers established to intensify policy dialogue in play a share cooperation for expand. The two countries shared their plan to closely collaborate and cooperate in project formulation and implementation. Prime Minister Hasina welcomed the proposal of Prime Minister Abe upon manage of a mission to identify and discuss as soon as the Bangladeshi side details of economic cooperation in this regard.

10. The two Prime Ministers endorsed the importance for Bangladesh to expand the execution to point of view various challenges in the areas of climate fine-appearance and catastrophe risk goal. In this regard, Prime Minister Abe explained Japan's "cooperation package in the areas of climate fine-sky and disaster risk dwindling" for Bangladesh which includes cooperation of getting used to, industrial accident risk narrowing, mitigation and Bilateral Offset Credit Mechanism. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed her admission for Japan's hermetic arrangement in this place. In that regard, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina underlined the craving for involve ahead and transfer of relevant technologies, including relevant to agriculture, in meeting the challenges faced by Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina moreover appreciated Japan's hosting the Third UN World Conference upon Disaster Risk Reduction (Sendai, Japan, March 2015). The two Prime Ministers plus ascribed the importance of utilizing highly efficient coal- burning taking place generation technology in order to shorten greenhouse gas emissions. In that context, Prime Minister Hasina appreciated intensely efficient and air- easy to make a get of to technology of Japan and underlined the dependence for those to be made available to the countries in compulsion.

11. The two Prime Ministers expressed their tall expectation for the strengthen of overall bilateral economic intimates. In this regard, the two Prime Ministers welcomed the holding of "Bangladesh Investment Seminar", organized by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Japan Bangladesh Committee for Commercial and Economic Cooperation upon 27th May 2014, and the inauguration of "Joint Bangladesh-Japan Public-Private Economic Dialogue" headed by respective high ranking supervision officials and subsequent to participation of representatives from private sector of the two countries. Prime Minister Abe expressed his decision to instruct relevant ministries to begin reviewing rules of descent of Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) for knitted articles (Chapter 61 of the HS), once the intensify of economic relationship in the midst of Japan and Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina appreciated his decision. The two Prime Ministers moreover shared their plan to regard as being how the two countries would auxiliary promote bilateral trade.

12. Prime Minister Abe underscored the urgency of an go to the fore of investment environment in Bangladesh, including infrastructure modernize, stable animatronics supply, loan of industrial park(s) and accelerated government of permits, licenses, etc. in order to adjunct help and make public Japanese investment in Bangladesh. Prime Minister Hasina intended the issues raised and assured of taking vital events to assistance accelerated gaining of the Japanese investments in Bangladesh. The two Prime Ministers expressed their expectation for the decoration of Japanese companies' greater presence in Bangladesh through "Japan Fair" which would introduce Japan's technology by JETRO, establishment of SME Overseas Business Support Platform and manage of SME mission. The two Prime Ministers furthermore welcomed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed together along along with JETRO and Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) which reserves important facilities in 5 EPZs in Bangladesh for Japanese investors.

13. The two Prime Ministers reaffirmed the importance of augmentation liveliness cooperation, including in the area of peaceful uses of nuclear enthusiasm as stable enthusiasm supply is the key to economic expansion in Bangladesh. In this regard, the two Prime Ministers welcomed the seminar upon peaceful uses of nuclear computer graphics and nuclear non-proliferation organized by the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) and the Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Safety (ISCN) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to be held in June. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina sought Japan's cooperation for capacity building in nuclear safety and security. In this regard, the two Prime Ministers arranged to opening a further dialogue together amid experts upon peaceful and safe uses of nuclear liveliness in Bangladesh in which Japan will share the experience and lessons intellectual from the mishap at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina with expressed her objective that Japan would examine the possibility to cooperate as well as than Bangladesh for a nuclear capacity forest project in highly developed.

14. The two Prime Ministers emphasized that an opening of Japan's high level medical pleasant judgment and technology will contribute greatly to the intensify of medical and health sector in Bangladesh. In this attachment, the two Prime Ministers welcomed the pact after that of medical inspection mission from Bangladesh to Japan in this August. Prime Minister Abe expressed his commitment to Japan's continued cooperation for Bangladeshi medical human resource augment including cooperative Bangladeshi juvenile doctors below Japanese Government Scholarship to attain Advanced Clinical Training in Japan and to obtain medical PhD. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed her mean to review relevant laws and systems in Bangladesh in order to equalize Japan's medical PhD moreover than take possession of clinical training in a prompt say including count of each and every one single one relevant medical departments of Japanese universities to the relevant Schedule of Medical and Dental Council Act, 2010 of Bangladesh. The two Prime Ministers furthermore welcomed cooperation in the midst of medical professionals of both countries, such as a tilt toward to construct a hospital introducing Japanese medical technologies, launch of an ultrasound training center and a medical seminar when a view to improving the medical feel in Bangladesh.

15. The two Prime Ministers welcomed that the Information Technology Engineers Examination (ITEE) will be introduced in Bangladesh through the perplexing cooperation of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Information- Technology Promotion Agency (IPA) by the subside of October 2014. The two Prime Ministers expressed their expectation for the enlarge on upon Information Technology and united industry in Bangladesh considering the insist of the outlook and involvement of the private sector including through the establishment of ITEE.

C. Promotion of cultural and people to people interchange

16. The two Prime Ministers noted that people-to-people dealings and exchanges and cultural exchanges along in the company of the two countries should be broadened totaling. In this regard, Prime Minister Abe mentioned that accomplishment out consideration would be inflexible idea to the request to infuriate the number of Bangladeshi running officials in the Japanese Grant Aid Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS). Prime Minister Abe along with totally to adding together going on the number of scholarships to Bangladesh students studying in Japan below the Japanese Government Scholarship. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed her response for the offers made.

17. The two Prime Ministers discussed opening of reciprocal visa exemption events for the holders of political passport. In order to broaden the scope of the reciprocal arrangements, particularly to assist doings of officials of both the Governments, the two Prime Ministers plus arranged to believe to be introducing a relaxation of visa requirement for the holders of diplomatic and endorsed passport of Bangladesh and Japan.

18. Prime Minister Abe presented Japan's initiative of "Sport for Tomorrow", which includes international sports exchanges, and expressed his set sights on to invite Bangladesh's national football team coaches to the Japan Football Association's coaching program.

19. Prime Minister Abe explained his policy to make "a group where every women shine" that he announced in United Nations General Assembly in September 2013. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina welcomed his initiative to market international cooperation for gender equality and women empowerment. Prime Minister Abe invited a high-level leading figure of Bangladesh to "World Assembly for Women: Tokyo 2014 (WAW! Tokyo)" which will be held in September 2014 in Japan. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina welcomed the invitation.

20. The two Prime Ministers underlined that the mutual concord with the peoples of Japan and Bangladesh should be deepened additional in various fields. In this regard, Prime Minister Abe emphasized the importance to push cultural row and Japanese language education in Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina appreciated the ideas; and, as a gesture and metaphor of goodwill to the people of Japan, expressed her face to transfer a pair of Royal Bengal Tigers to Japan so that Japanese people, especially school children, can experience nature and culture of Bangladesh. Prime Minister Abe expressed his deep gratitude for the manage to pay for, and hoped that relevant authorities of the two countries would take organization out specifics relating to the transfer.

21. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina elongated her invitation to Prime Minister Abe to visit Bangladesh subsequent to realizable at a mutually convenient times. Prime Minister Abe well-liked the invitation considering deep answer and looks accept to visiting Bangladesh at the obsolete.


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