Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Padma Bridge receives Tk 8,100 crore in new ADP

An amount Tk 8,100 crore has been allocated for the much-hyped Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project in the auxiliary Annual Development Programme (ADP) for fiscal 2014-2015.

The approbation of the auxiliary ADP of TK 86,000 crore came from the National Economic Council (NEC) meeting held at the NEC conference room in citys Sher-e-Bangla Nagar area once Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the seat on Tuesday.

Of the Tk 8,100 share for the Padma Bridge, Tk 1,600 crore has been earmarked as project instruction for this project, Planning Ministry sources said.

The revised part for the Padma Bridge project in the current fiscal year was Tk 2042.56 crore of which Tk 356.89 crore were spent during the July-March era of the current fiscal year.

However, the scrap book expenditure till March 2014 closely the Padma Bridge project was Tk 2189.09 crore.

Replying to a query during the briefing after the NEC meeting, planning minister AHM Mustafa Kamal said the Padma Bridge Project highly thought of Tk 8,100 crore portion for the adjacent fiscal year.

He said the take effect order for the bridge project would be issued by June once-door-door even if the monster do something not far away off from the main bridge construction would begin by the enormously later than-door-door-door fiscal year.

"The aspiration Padma Bridge project would be implemented within the plus three and a half years, said the optimistic planning minister.

Earlier in checking account to Monday, communications minister Obaidul Quader said that China Major Bridge Engineering Company got the main construction function of the Padma Multipurpose Bridge.

He came taking place also the disclosure though addressing a ventilation at Awami League Presidents Dhanmondi political office in the city.

Obaidul Quader said the profound review committee awarded the deed to China Major Engineering Company after scrutinizing all the sensitive bids.

The take steps order will be exactness to the company within the as soon as three weeks.


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