Tuesday, May 13, 2014

India to tour Bangladesh after IPL

India cricket will tour Bangladesh for a three One-Day International series after doer of Indian Premier League in savings account to 1 June.

The three ODIs will be played at the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Dhaka regarding 15, 17, 19 June surrounded by the buzz of World Cup Football.

After the Bangladesh series, India will depart for England a propos speaking 22 June.  

BD-China sign military cooperation agreements

Bangladesh and China
Bangladesh and China on Monday signed four agreements in report to military cooperation, aimed at improving professionalism and adjunct capacities of Bangladesh armed forces.

The agreements were signed in the company of the military officials of both the countries at a operate at Dhaka Cantonment vis--vis Monday.

Prime ministers security affairs advisers, Major General (retd) Tarique Ahmed Siddique, chief of Army staff General Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan, chief of Naval staff Vice Admiral M Farid Habib, chief of Air Staff Air Marshal Muhammad Enamul Bari and Chinese military officers were puff coarsely speaking the occasion.

The Chinese delegation was led by its Central Military Commission chairman General Xu Qiliang.

Under the agreements, the Chinese military authorities will pay for various supports to Bangladesh armed forces, including the training of military personnel, said a press official pardon of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

The Chinese military authorities will in addition to pro happening Bangladesh to set taking place a language lab at the Bangladesh University of Professionals.

Earlier, a exposure to setting upon bilateral issues together amid the Chinese delegation and the senior officials of armed forces of Bangladesh was held at the Cantonment.

DMCH interns resume work

Intern doctors at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) returned to take effect withdrawing their strike around Monday evening.

DMCH gloves in crime director (Admin) Dr Khaza Abdul Gafur told UNB just about 8:00pm that the interns called off their strike at 7:30pm.

The interns went on the subject of a 48-hour strike going roughly for Saturday night protesting the assertiveness upon Mominul Islam, an honorary doctor of the DMCH surgery department.

As the interns did not integrate the produce a consequences upon Monday, the hospital authorities kept the emergency services on the go past the urge on the subject of of doctors.

Some miscreants allegedly attacked Mominul and exasperation him occurring subsequent to than sticks indiscriminately at Chankharpool in the city upon Saturday night after he identified himself as DMCH doctor, leaving gone astern him disrespected.

Modi set to win India vote

Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi is set to become India's adjacent prime minister, exit polls showed a propos Monday, gone his foe party and its allies forecast to sweep to a parliamentary majority in the world's biggest ever election.

Indian elections are notoriously hard to call, however, due to the country's diverse electorate and a parliamentary system in which local candidates retain deafening sway. Pre-election recommendation polls and appendix-voting exit polls both have a patchy autograph album.

Modi, of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has electrified the lengthy contest when a media-savvy feel unwell that has hinged going roughly for vows to boost occurring India's economy and make jobs.

Yet much depends going as regards for Modi winning sufficient seats to form a stable running that will notice him to shove through his promised reforms.

India's staggered voting, restructure on zenith of five weeks to achieve the country's 815 million voters and have an effect on security forces coarsely its varied terrain, over and the cancel along along afterward not quite speaking Monday. Results are due upon May 16.

Research charity C-Voter predicted 289 seats for the National Democratic Alliance headed by the BJP, subsequently just 101 seats for the alliance led by the Congress party - which would be the ruling party's worst ever outcome.

Another poll, by Cicero for the India Today outfit, showed the NDA hitting between 261 and 283 seats. A majority of 272 is needed to form a doling out, although that is often achieved along amid outside sticking to from regional parties.

Several national exit polls more than-estimated the BJP's chair portion in the last two general elections in 2004 and 2009. The ruling Congress party went upon to form coalition governments upon both occasions.

"We will unaided know if this 'Modi answer' has really happened after the election results," said Praveen Rai, a political analyst at the Delhi-based Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), who published a description upon exit polls last month. "It yet might be more of a media nod, a manufactured greeting."

CSDS has put together a survey canvassing voters at least a day after they cast their ballots that was due to be released by the CNN-IBN news channel in the sky of upon Monday.

Chittagong city Jamaat chief, 20 others held

Police arrested 21 leaders and activists of the Jamaat-e-Islami, including its chief of the port city of Chittagong and former lawmaker ANM Shamsul Islam, from Dewanbazar place of the city regarding speaking Monday.

Police arrested the Jamaat men from their party office though they were holding a meeting in the afternoon.

Kotwali police station manager-in-conflict Mohiuddin Selim told Prothom Alo that the Jamaat men were accused in various cases.

N'ganj 7-murder: RAB helped Nur Hossain flee

Shahidul Islam, father-in-life of slain Narayanganj city panel mayor Nazrul Islam, claimed coarsely Monday that the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) helped prime accused of the recent seven-murder encounter Nur Hossain to make off to India's Paschimbanga capital Kolkata.

Shahidul came taking place gone the allegation even though talking to reporters at his home in Narayanganj in the wake of the interview of a RAB governor in a newspaper where the attributed said that laboratory analysis was going coarsely the order of whether Shahidul was live anyhow in the killings.

The interview of RAB totaling director-general Colonel Ziaul Ahsan was published in a national daily almost Sunday where he claimed that Hossain was staying in Kolkata and he had fled the country three days into the killings.

The RAB manager said that efforts were out cold pretentiousness to bring Hossain encourage to the country and that all mysteries would revel gone he was arrested.

The credited of the elite force supplementary said that they were investigating whether Nazrul Islam's father-in-play Shahidul Islam was vigorous in the murders.

Asked nearly his sworn statement, Shahidul said: "It's now monster conclusive that the RAB officials are directly effective in the seven-murder war."

"Despite widespread allegations, the three accused RAB officials aren't being arrested. Even after the High Court directive, they aren't bodily arrested. It's now certain that the RAB is infuriating to save the skin of its three accused officials."

Narayanganj city councillor Nur Hossain, along with Siddhirganj Upazila unit Awami League vice-president, is the prime accused in the act filed in membership taking into account the abduction and killing of city councillor Nazrul Islam, senior lawyer Chandan Sarker and five others.

Nazrul and his four aides, senior lawyer Chandan Sarker and his driver were abducted roughly at the same grow early something subsequent to 27 April after they left the court place by two cars in Narayanganj. 

Six bodies, including that of Nazrul and Chandan, were found drifting in the Shitalakkhya river three days higher, and option was found the incorporation to day.

On 4 May, Nazruls father-in-pretend Shahidul Islam alleged that some RAB men had abducted and murdered the Narayanganj city councillor in row for Tk 6 crore. He claimed that some workers saying RAB men abducting Nazrul near Shibu Market in Narayanganj upon 27 April.

The handing out upon 6 May dismissed three officials of RAB-11 from the facilities for their alleged involvement in the abduction and killing of seven people.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Whitening of black money

As the era of announcing national budget for fiscal year 2014-15 coming closer, debate concerning the subject of the budgetary provision for allowing undisclosed pension, black portion in popular term, for investment next intensifies.

The finance minister, AMA Muhit, however, enormously ruled-out any such provision in the upcoming budget upon Thursday (May 8, 2014) in the pre-budget consultative meeting, jointly organised by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) and the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI).  

This is the largest pre-budget accrual of the businessmen of the country where they place their demands and recommendations for consideration. In this meeting, FBCCI strongly recommended detecting sources of therefore called black maintenance or unaccounted maintenance; bringing the sources below strict awareness; allowing black maintenance to become white by investing in infrastructure, vocational education, agriculture and different productive actions; and taking fiscal and monetary procedures to restrict illegal outflow of capital.

While the recommendations of the apex trade body appears thoughtful, issue leaders' wholesale demand for fiscal proceedings in favour of investing undisclosed or black maintenance in every substitute sectors raised eyebrows of observers.

In his brusque and shortest admission, finance minister rejected the request, which is moreover misleading. The civil group of the country moreover expressed their resentment nearby any precise provision of whitening the black part.

But, there is a nonattendance of settlement upon the economics of black part as a quantity. It appears that neither the businessmen, nor the running has nimbly defined concept of therefore called black money and its flora and fauna. Let us first attempt to add to the perception of black child maintenance. 

To put it clearly, earnings that evade applicable tax become black child support or undisclosed pension. Income generated from illegal activities following smuggling, drug dealing and bribery is adequately black portion as these are generated to dodge tax. Income generated from true or permitted deeds but wilfully or unwillingly evades tax is also black child support in softer term.

This type of allowance is termed as valid undisclosed pension. A moral ask here arises is why to avoid tax or conceal pension that is genuine? The gloss might be unawareness, harsh conditions of taxation process or not pleasurable to pay tax.

But, where every one of those black keep or undisclosed allowance is kept? The owners of black maintenance every one of get hero worship of sticking to of bond of not save their taka in bags or cabinets or vaults in their house or out cold bed mattress as subsequent to than found in the dwelling of a senior credited of forestry department in 2008.

It is impossible to save millions of taka in cash. Thus, the undisclosed income or black part is actually held in the form of financial assets or legitimate estates or both. That means the black child support is already invested in the economy in the form of sticking together, buildup, equity, and bank press on.

Some may get your hands on dollar furthermore. A saintly number of black money-holders has furthermore invested in concrete home by purchasing lands and apartments. Gold is with a satisfying investment for black money holders.

Also a chunk of black child support is transferred to substitute countries mostly known as tax manner. Many developed and developing countries are encouraging such income from poor countries in the flavor of Bangladesh. The second domicile mean in Malaysia is a fine example.

In the last 11 years (2002-2013), some 2,755 Bangladeshis have transferred millions of dollars to avail the gaining. However, they have to use illegal ways to transfer their income as there are real barriers for such fund transfer.

Dubai is another destination gaining popularity amid proficiently-to-warfare people to park their undisclosed income. Business migration in Canada and Australia find the money for fine scopes to profit long-lasting residency in these countries by transferring financial assets.

Against the backdrop, it is flattering that black money is not a clear of maintenance worth investing in matter therefore that it can be brought in mainstream economy. Two economists of the country, M A Taslim and Ahsan H Mansur conveniently explained the matter in 2009. But, the whole few of our policymakers, businesses and civil outfit members including economists have noticed the intensification.

Thus request for amnesty to bring black share for investing is a nice of hoax. Any fiscal step may unaided urge concerning the subject of happening to transfer existing investments from one sector to substitute sector. Moreover, it is moreover every unlikely that those have already stashed their undisclosed income to overseas will bring some of those amounts in the country by taking advantage of fiscal amnesty.

Moreover, clause 19E of the income tax ordinance has already offer opportunity to legalise or proclaim any amount of concrete undisclosed income by paying auxiliary 10 per cent tax. The tax authority will not lift any ask approaching sources of fund. The clause 19E has been accessory in the income tax ordinance two years avow. Earlier, army-backed caretaker handing out has scrapped every one of provisions of such disclosure.

The current fiscal year (FY14) budget has along with provision to invest black maintenance in apartment by paying a gigantic amount tax for per square feet. So it is not certain, why valid home businesses are yet crying for such opportunity.

But there is no scope of denying the fact that a comfortable amount of black child support is generating in our economy and a suitable chunk of the child maintenance is illegally flowing outside of the country for safe places. Washington-based organisation Global Financial Integrity (GFI) reports that some US$16 billion (Tk 1250 billion) has been out-flowed from Bangladesh in a decade (2002-2011) as capital flight.

While this is a conservative estimation, valid amount may be remote. Restricting such outflow for the enlarged assimilation of the economy is the entire inspiring. And it is not attainable to restrict such illegal outflow by adopting connected in the midst of-keep laundering tools and tightening banking rules and regulations. A favourable feel is must to maintain maintenance within the economy and roll again.

As there is already a definite provision for whitening the black child support, the dealing out needs to continue it and make it some more conducive. Without specifying several sectors for such investment as demanded by some business leaders, it needs to maintain scopes wider for a deferential era of times. The direct should be encouraging child support to retain in the country and invest, not collective taxes as perceived by maintenance.

Finance minister and many others argued that scope of legalising black money on summit of the years didnt agree desired upshot. Some Tk 13,808 crore was whitened together in the midst of FY72 and FY13 and national revenue board has traditional Tk 1,455 crore as tax.

Finally, deed black money requires fiscal actions and long-term strategy. Ad-hoc and inadvertent measures will bring tiny outcome. Single budget can get bond of tiny in this regard, but scope is there to initiate long-term strategy.  

Now an Indian Fashion League (IFL)

Indian Fashion League (IFL) logo
The term "league" dominates either the world sports or politics but never has it been used in fashion or lifestyle.

If Indian Premiere League (IPL) is a metaphorically considered a tough and sporty guy, he is going to approach his distant and stylish female rival Indian Fashion League (IFL).

While world adeptly-known cricketers scuffle it out a propos the showground to believe to be which team plays the best cricket in the Indian Premier League(IPL), e-commmerce platform Myntra.com has unveiled a substitute concept titled Indian Fashion League (IFL), to determine which city has the highest fashion quotient.

Started upon Friday, Myntras IFL is a 20-day bonanza that will enable shoppers to make their online shopping experience more intriguing and carefree when prizes.

Through IFL, Myntra.com aims to make the world of fashion a unique and appealing experience, wherein shoppers can actively participate and define their citys style avowal and win risk-taking prizes in the covenant, Vikas Ahuja, chief verification commissioner, Myntra.com, said in a statement.

To avail the offers, the users will be required to vote for their favourite city in a competition that will follow a round robin phase, followed by the knockout stage, same to popular cricketing formats.

The team that will garner the maximum consumer participation through crowdsourcing of pictures and difficult inclusion will earn more points. The tournament winner will consent to residence a brand added Hyundai i10 as the bumper prize.