Tuesday, April 22, 2014

ILO to compensate 3,000 Rana Plaza victims

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) upon Tuesday said it would disburse a provisional reward of Tk 50,000 to each of 3,000 victims of the Rana Plaza tragedy.

State minister for labour and employment Mojiburl Hoque Chunnu officially inaugurated the provisional recompense package by resignation the pledged money to two victim families at a programme held at the Labour Ministry seminar room at the Secretariat upon Tuesday.

The 3,000 victim families so in the estrange away-off listed by the ILO will get your hands on the provisional reward through mobile child support transfer services by tomorrow (Wednesday).

The provisional disbursement will be provided below a trust fund that has been jointly initiated by the ILO, meting out, local owners and international buyers to compensate the victims of the building collapse.

So far and wide, approximately $ 40 million has been pledged by the stakeholders to the trust fund, but without help $ 15 million has been deposited to it.

In right of entry to an inquiry by reporters approximately the in flames of the return process, the own going on minister noted that it is an ongoing process and rotate agencies have thus far been contributing to the process separately.


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