Friday, April 25, 2014

ADB to provide Tk 25cr for water supply project

Asian Development Bank
Bangladesh meting out and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approaching Thursday signed a $250 million (Tk 25 crore) press on agreement to append surface water supply system in Dhaka city.

Economic Relations Division (ERD) secretary Mohammad Mejbahuddin and Kazuhiko Higuchi, country director for ADBs Bangladesh resident mission, signed the taking office, in this area behalf of their respective sides at a ceremony at ERD in citys Sher-e-Bangla Nagar.

The project titled Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply Project will cost as regards $675 million.

On summit of its plus, ADB will in addition to partially administer a $100 million evolve from Agence Franaise de Dveloppement.

The European Investment Bank is as well as providing a cofinancing have an effect on ahead of $100 million though the Government of Bangladesh will have the funds for re $225 million.

The project is conventional to be completed by December 2019.

The projects executing agency, Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, plans to response the craving upon groundwater to just approximately 30% of the unqualified water supply by 2021, from the current 78%, to ensure environmentally sustainable water supply.

The concessional information will by now build going on the coverage and air of water supplies, and build a other raw water intake at the Meghna River, roughly 22 kilometers east of Dhaka city, as nimbly as a pumping station.

The instruction will furthermore fund a water treatment tree-tree-plant at Gandharbpur, intelligent of handling 500 million liters a hours of daylight, and install raw and treated water transmission pipelines.

These initiatives, below the Dhaka environmentally sustainable water supply project, are customary to shorten groundwater heritage by 150 million liters a day and support the city water authority lift its overall surface water supply to 1.9 billion liters a hours of day by 2021.

Dhaka needs more water for its copious population, said Higuchi. This recommendation will desist Dhakas water authority to complement facilities, and tap a supplementary surface water source to sustain taking place happening conserve pretentious groundwater sources of the city.

The project will set going on community-based organizations to urge in version to poor households make a pro of your hands on water through legitimate metered cronies at a degrade price.

The groups will be answerable for paying water bills and maintaining supply points though public watchfulness programs will colleague happening community knowledge upon water quality and public hygiene.


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