Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our ancestors enjoyed summer holidays at Antartica

enjoyed summer holidays at Antartica
If this opinion stands authenticated, the records books have to be rewritten soon. According to scientists, some parts approaching the coldest region in the region of our earth -- Antartica -- was as hot as today's California coast.

Not on your own this, polar regions of the southern Pacific Ocean registered 21st-century Florida heat, according to scientists who used a supplementary measurement technique called carbonate clumped isotope thermometry to piece of legislation late buildup temperatures.

By measuring the concentrations of rare isotopes in ancient fossil bullets, the scientists found that temperatures in parts of Antarctica reached as high as 17 degrees Celsius during the Eocene era (lasting from 56 to 33.9 million years ago) taking into account an average of 14 degrees Celsius.

Eocene temperatures in parts of the southern Pacific Ocean measured 22 degrees Celsius, taking into consideration seawater temperatures oppressive Florida today, researchers from Yale University emphasised.

The average annual South Pacific sea temperature near Antarctica today is about 0 degrees Celsius.

Quantifying like temperatures helps us offer the allergic reaction of the climate system to greenhouse gases, and especially the amplification of global warming in polar regions, said Hagit Affek, an join professor of geology and geophysics at Yale.

The findings put obliterate on the potential for increased warmth at earth's poles and the linked risk of melting polar ice and rising sea levels, the researchers warned.

By measuring considering temperatures in rotate parts of Antarctica, this investigation gives us a clearer approach of just how hot Antarctica was forward the earth's melody contained much more CO2 than it does today," said lead author Peter M.J. Douglas.

This provides sound evidence that global warming is especially pronounced muggy to the earth's poles.

Warming in these regions has significant result for climate skillfully higher than the tall latitudes due to ocean circulation and melting of polar ice that leads to sea level rise, said the laboratory analysis, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


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