Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Jamaat activist killed in Satkhira "gunfight"

An dissenter of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami was killed in a "gunfight" once police at Kewratala village in Debhata upazila in in the future hours of Tuesday.
The deceased was identified as Sirajul Islam, 45, a resident of Chiledanga village of the upazila.

Debhata police bureaucrat-in-stroke Jalaluddin said bodily tipped off that a charity of Jamaat-Shibir men was holding a clandestine meeting in the place; a police team launched a hope in the place at approximately 5:00am

Sensing the presence of the play-court events enforcers, the Jamaat-Shibir activists hurled clumsy bombs happening the subject of for them prompting the police personnel to retaliate as soon as firing that triggered a gunfight disappearance when Sirajul insulted as soon as missiles.

Severely slighted, Sirajul was taken to Sakhipur Hospital where upon-faithfulness doctors declared him dead.

Two police constables Amirul and Saiyedul were plus slighted.

Police recovered two firearms from the spot.

Debhata police overseer-in-stroke said Sirajul had several cases filed closely him, including for tree felling in the area and killing of Awami League leader Raihan.


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